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I sometimes wonder why our mothers don't teach us how to handle heartbreak. Heartbreak is something we should all know about and something we all should be able to go through. You can never trust a person you love, well you can trust them but never fully because they'll break your heart anyway. I heard what he did to her. I heard how she enjoyed that. The pleasure she was receiving just now. That's a feeling he gives me always. Tears roll down my cheeks, one-by-one. I'm hurt. Really hurt. I never followed the other maids to the garden. I was really suspicious of the king. He never actually goes inside of the basement to punish someone, without having one of his knights with him. He might've told them to not come with him. He wanted to pleasure her in private. He wanted to hear her moans in private. He wanted to take advantage of Ophelia, in private.

The huge and crusty door opens, revealing Opehila in her baby pink and white dress. She has a bruise on her cheek and some parts on her lips are bleeding. I back away from her, a few inches away from the wall. "What are you looking at?" She asks me, sounding bugged. She's obviously annoyed by me, even though I didn't do anything. This kinda irritates me, but I keep quiet. She walks down the corridor, leaving me standing here in front of the basement. I enter the basement, only to see the king, cleaning a knife by using a wet cloth. He still didn't notice me as his back is facing me. He throws the blood-soaked cloth into the small bin next to him and walks over to the wall, with all the weapons. He hangs the knife in its place and turns his face to me, finally noticing me.

I'm so mad. I'm so fucking mad. I want to actually slap him and hit him and do whatever hurts him, but I can't. The king walks over to the wooden hook and puts on his black thick cloak. I love this cloak on him, it's beautiful, and even though he fights for the good, this looks so evil on him, it's hot. "What do you want, slave. You shouldn't be here. This place is not allowed for you to enter," He looks at me. I notice the emptiness in his eyes. I never saw such emptiness in his dark brown orbs. And why is he even looking at me like that? He never looked at me like that.

"I..." I don't know what to say. I don't even know why I'm here. Is he the reason why I came in the first place? Is it so hard to be away from him even for a second? What the hell is wrong with me? What am I supposed to say now? "I'm waiting, Y/N," This hurts as well. I might hate it when he calls me slave, but I also hate it when he calls me by my name. I'm so used to having him calling me, baby girl, baby, princess, slut - but he only calls me that when's he's having it with me. I shouldn't feel this way, this is so wrong. He's my king and I'm just his slave and nothing more.

"I-I..." I stutter again. Jimin suddenly grips onto my bare shoulders tightly and pushes me against the hard hall next to the doorframe. The fire in his eyes scares me. What the hell is wrong with him. "Can't you talk properly? Why did I even hire you as my maid?" He speaks through gritted teeth. You never hired me. "I'm mad at you, okay!" I finally say, making him loosen his tight grip on my shoulders. He pulls away his hands and hides them in his black cloak. Jimin scoffs. "You're mad at me?" He asks. He looks like he can't believe what I just confessed. Is he not taking me seriously? "Well yeah," I respond and look up at him. "Aha, okay," He randomly says and walks away, out of the basement. Before I can follow him, the king closes the metal door and locks it, making my eyes widen. Did he just, lock me in this cold and scary room?


My slave has been so annoying. I just need some distance from her - not just that. Fucking her all the time might get bored someday, I don't want to waste her. I want to be inside of her until the day I die. I don't feel bad for locking her inside the basement. It's forbidden for everyone in this castle beside the knights and me to enter the basement. This is a punishment and the fact that she dares to speak to me in that manner is inappropriate. I don't tolerate bullshit like that.

I sigh and open the doors which leads me to the main hall. Father must be waiting for me. I enter the big hall, only to see father and mother standing there, wearing their red cloaks with fur on the edges. They're both wearing their crowns, smiling at me. "Jimin! It's been so long, baby!" My mother walks up to me as I do the same. She wraps her arms around me, making me return the hug. Mother pulls away and cups my face in her hands and places two pecks on both of my cheeks.

Father appears behind mother and smiles at me. His beard grew much longer which makes him look much older than he actually is. My dad is 47 while my mom is seven years younger than him. "How are you son?" My mom steps back and lets my father hug me. He pulls away. "I'm alright," I state and take a few steps back. "Should we head to the dining hall? The others are waiting," My parents head to the big golden doors as I frown. "Others?" I repeat. My parents never told me that there are going to be other guests. Both of them stop in their tracks, turning around.

My mom lifts her head to look up at her husband, who's still looking at me, smiling. I asked him something, why is he smiling like that? My mom looks back at me and speaks up "It's a surprise, sweetheart. Come on, let's go," She orders, happily.

As we enter the dining hall, we reveal ourselves to the guests who have been waiting. There are three other people sitting at the long noble table, drinking tea while maids spoil them even more and more each second, by getting them tissues, more tea, or other random things. There's a guy, whose back is facing me. He has light brown hair and the one who's sitting on the right side of the table next to the guy, has pitch black hair, kinda wavy. His face looks similar to a bunny? And the other one in front of the black-haired guy looks a bit off. He also has brown hair, his is just a bit lighter.

My mother places her hand on my shoulder, signaling me to go further. As the doors close, a loud noise chimes, making their heads turn around as they now look at us. Are they blind? Didn't they see us from the corner of their stupid eyes? As the guy with brown hair turns his head, my eyes widen. My parents sit down at the other end of the table, both of them on each side.

They must've already greeted each other. As I make my way to my seat, Taehyung stands up, walks over to me, and kneels down on one knee. "Your majesty," He balls his hands into fists and puts the right one on the side of his heart and the other one on his lower back. "Don't do that, Tae," I mention his name, making him stand up. "Sit down," I demand before I walk over to my seat which is at the end of the table.

So this is what my parents call a surprise - funny. Tae is wearing a short blue tunic. I remember wearing that as well. But after being crowned as the king of Silverville, I had to start wearing a cloak and a black tunic everywhere I go, unless on events. "What bought you here, Taehyung?" I ask him. I glance at the two other people, who stare back at me. They're also wearing a tunic. "Taehyung wanted to-" "I didn't ask you, mother," I cut her off, still staring at Taehyung.

"I'll become a king, cousin," He states and takes a sip of his tea as a maid quickly pours more tea in his potted glass. Looking at the maid reminds me of Y/N. I sigh. I wonder if she's okay - No, I shouldn't care about her. "And I want my ceremony to take place in your castle," He says and takes another sip of this warm drink. There was never someone else - except for me and my parents who celebrated their coronation. Taehyung might be another close family member, but is he worth it celebrating it here in my castle? "Okay, but..." I start, all eyes on me. "What do I get in return?"

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