Chapter 19

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Lily found out she was pregnant a few weeks after the Potters funeral. A few months later they found out it was a girl. James and Lily went back and forth on names. They went through several different floral names but none of them sounded right. They settled on Lily's name as the middle name and then Lily made a suggestion.

"What about Genevieve? Evie and I always joked that my daughter would be named after her. We could call her Vivy."

"I like it. But I think Genny as a nickname is better. Genevieve Lily Potter." James said, his hand on her belly, "though I still think Elvendork has merit."

Lily rolled her eyes and turned to face him. She had been washing dishes while he cleaned their counters. He had been behind her, but now that she had turned around, he was in front of her.

She held his hands and his heart skipped a beat like it always did when he could see the love in her eyes. She planted a small kiss on his lips, which he deepened. They heard a knock on the door and James stopped kissing her, his eyes full of excitement.

"Have fun." Lily said with a smiled and let go of her husband so that he could go play with Sirius. James started out of the room, stopped, kissed her again, and then said, "I love you. Stay safe."

"Right back at you." Lily whispered as he left the house. Her hands were red from scrubbing pans. She felt a kick in her womb and smiled, placing a hand on it. "Your dad is a secret romantic. Did you know that?" Lily said with a baby voice, rubbing her belly, "you can't tell anyone though. If your uncle Sirius knew, he'd tease your dad for months."

Lily had a home birth because going to the hospital was too dangerous for the Order member. It was exhausting but the prize was worth it. When James placed her daughter across her chest, she knew she would die for this precious little girl if she was put in the position. Suddenly all she and James and the rest of the Order were fighting for had a physical representation. She was fighting for a world where her daughter could live in peace.

She looked up to see tears in James's eyes. He almost never cried. She knew they were happy tears. She wished Remus could have been there. Her daughter's godfather. James had wanted it to be Sirius, but Lily just laughed and told him that Sirius needed to grow up a bit before she would trust him to take care of her kid. Maybe the next one.

Genny grew up and soon Lily found out she was pregnant again. This time she was terrified. The baby fit a prophecy that Alice had told her about. Alice was pregnant as well and her baby fit the prophecy too. Lily knew not to mess with  seer magic.

Maybe the baby would be born early.

James and Lily talked endlessly with Genny about the baby in her tummy and what would happen when the baby came. None of them knew that a year after Harry was born, Dumbledore would stop by their home.

Harry's birth also occured at home. Or rather the Weasley home. She and James had been babysitting Molly and Arthur's kids, dreaming of their own home being filled with children. When James placed Harry in her arms, Lily gasped as his green eyes opened. Harry was the perfect name for him. To even it out, they chose James as his middle name.

Harry James Potter.

Genny was absolutely fascinated by her younger brother. She cried every time James took her away from Harry. Whenever James put her down on the ground, the one year old would crawl over to Harry and hold his hand. Lily would always smile when she did that.

James treasured watching his wife begin to parent their children. Her correction of their actions was soft but stern. Sometimes she kind of reminded him of McGonagall, so he would call her Minnie, annoying her just as much as it annoyed McGonagall. The two of them continued their Order work, though these days the heartbreaks seemed to keep coming. It was good to come home to two happy babies that laughed everytime James tickled their mother.

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