Chapter 9

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"A what?"

"Connor. I think you can read people's minds. You can hear their thoughts. And you don't even realize you are doing it. Legilimency is a form of magic used to do this by wizards. However, there have been known to be a small few wizards who are born with the ability. Tell me, what was your mother's maiden name?"

"Goldstein. I think." Connor said. Poppy smiled, "Then it is hereditary. You know of Newt Scamander correct?"

"The famous magizoologist?"

Madame Pumfery nodded. "His wife and sister-in-law were Goldsteins. It is a rather large family, but most likely why you and Lily are magical. Newt's sister-in-law was a highly skilled Legilamens, or so we thought. Eventually, as medicine grew, the magical medical world soon began to notice that a small amount of the community, normally descendants of a Goldstein,  a Slytherin, or a Gryffindor, was born with the ability to engage with other's minds. The name,  Legilmentistic was then dubbed for this. Because there are so few, the Ministry has required their registration, however, I advise that you do not Connor."

"Isn't that illegal?"

"Yes, however, once the Ministry knows, I am sure they will begin to do experiments on you. In fact, for your safety, I am going to remove this conversation from my head, and I advise that the only person you tell be Lily and Daisy, eventually if the two of you remain friends. However, I want you to explore your abilities and understand them before telling anyone. Wait until you are 17, for your own safety."

"So I can't tell my mum and dad?"

"Connor. There are forces out there that would torture the information out of your parents. I am trying to protect them. You will be powerful. Once you learn the spell, you will be able to expand your abilities even more."

Connor was in awe. He truly wanted to tell Lily everything. Madame Pumfery then wrote down in her records that he had hit his head and changed her own memory. She then let him go, telling him to be careful. He smiled and told her he would. Lily was standing outside of the wing, waiting for him. He held her hand and pulled her up to the Astronomy tower. He then told her everything.  He knew Pumfery had told him to wait, but he needed someone to know. He and Lily decided to wait to tell Daisy.

"So what am I thinking right now?" Lily asked with a smile.

"How much you want to do your homework!" Connor teased. Lily glared at him and told him that she wasn't.  He laughed and put his arm around her shoulder, the two of them coming down from the tower. Unfortunately for them, Daisy happened to run into them as they had just exited the tower. She scrunched her face in confusion, not understanding what they were doing. 

"W-we were just-Merlin's Beard-Don't worry I- Oh man!" Connor stumbled, leaving Lily and Daisy to giggle at him. 

"We were having brother and sister bonding time," Lily explained. Daisy raised an eyebrow, "in the Astronomy Tower?" She then slapped Connor's head, saying, "You know what happens there on Friday nights! Or did the time when we walked into Frank and Alice making out not enter your thick head?" 

Connor blushed and shook his head. Then he groaned and said, "Well NOW it is!" Lily and Daisy laughed and the three of them rushed to Gryffindor Tower as they realized it was almost curfew. 

When they entered the common room, they noticed four boys huddled over something in a corner. Daisy put a finger over her mouth, signaling to Connor and Lily to be quiet. She snuck up behind the boys and asked them what they were doing. All four of them jumped up about 4 feet, according to Lily, and glared at Daisy. 

Lily and James glared at each other, causing everyone else to roll their eyes. Daisy whispered to Connor, betting him 5 knuts that Lily and James would end up together. Sirius, who overheard, raised the bet to a sickle. Connor took the bet.

Suddenly they heard a scream from upstairs. Lily came down and stood soaking wet. "I don't know who did this but I know it was either you four or you two. Whoever it is will pay." She said pointing her wand at the six. Daisy saw James give Sirius a high five and rolled her eyes. She knelt down behind them and whispered, "Nice one you two. Brilliant inspiration. Now, tell me how I can do it to Connor, he looks way to happy up there. " The two boys smirked and whispered back what they did.

"Oh! Remus! Professor McGonagall told me to tell you that your mother has caught that awful flu again and has requested that you come home to help her take care of the house. Your father is on a business trip." Daisy said, winking secretly at Remus. Remus nodded and said, "When am I leaving and coming back?"

"She said it wouldn't be more than 2 days. Your father should be back by then."  Daisy said and gave him a reassuring smile. Daisy had mentioned to McGonagall that she knew Remus was a werewolf, resulting in McGonagall recruiting her to help make Remus's life easier. 

"Blimey! Is this flu contagious?" Connor asked nervously. Daisy rolled her eyes and began coughing in his face saying, "I don't*cough* know*cough* Connor *cough, cough* is it" The five first years were laughing like crazy at the third years who were now chasing each other around the common room.  Lily explained to the boys that Connor was a tiny bit germophobic. 

"Good Night you five!" Daisy yelled as she chased her best friend up the stairs toward their dorms. 

Lily then put her hands on her hips.

"Now, which one of you is going to have purple hair tomorrow?" 

The scampering of the boys' feet abruptly began as they ran up to their common room to escape the wrath of Lily Evans. Well, actually it was only James and Sirius that scampered away. Remus and Peter just laughed.

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