Chapter 6

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The two collided, resulting in both of them falling to the ground.

"Blimey Connor. Be careful!"

"Hide me! The monstrous lion is hunting my soul!" Connor said, desperately.

"And you say I'm the dramatic one." Daisy mumbled.


"I'm not going to help you, darling. You got yourself into this mess. The only help I shall give to you is that the lion thee spake of is behind thee." Daisy said and ran into her dorm so that Lily could effectively "murder" her brother.

She stood from the doorway to watch. James came up the stairs and saw the scene, Connor and Lily wrestling each other. He looked at Daisy, wondering if they should step in and deciding on it as Lily pulled Connor's hair, resulting in Connor screeching.

"Um...Lily, may I please...uhConnor...get to my dormitory? Can you just... yes...thank you." James said as he inched by, only to be smacked by a stray foot. He rubbed his poor nose and whimpered as he approached Daisy.

"Oh, you poor baby!"Daisy said as he looked at her. He rolled his eyes, said good night, and went further up the stairs. Daisy quickly ended the fight, telling the siblings that curfew was in 2 minutes, causing both to jump up, hit each other's heads on the way up, and run to their dorms. She laughed and went to her bed and opened a muggle book that Connor had given her for her birthday the year before, The Magician's Nephew, by C.S. Lewis, one of Connor's favorite authors. It easily became one of her favorite books, resulting in him planning on giving her the other five for Christmas.

As her imagination ran wild with Digory Kirke and Polly Plumber, the other girls entered the dormitory. She glanced up and saw them all smiling at her. She placed the book down and asked them what was up.

"Uh uh sister, you fess up." Martha Abbott said. Martha was one of Daisy's close friends and confidants. She was the kindest of the bunch and definitely the most outspoken.

"I have no idea what you guys want me to say." Daisy said, getting more confused by the second.

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" Pandora Smith asked, with an annoyed facial expression. Pandora was the weird one. She constantly had an expression of daydreaming on her face and was constantly talking about rumors of strange magical creatures that may or may not exist.

"If you two are still floating on your ridiculous theory that Connor and I are "in love", no nothing happened this summer. " Daisy said, using her fingers as quotation marks.

"Sure, and I'm Godric Gryffindor. You obviously like him." Martha said. Pandora nodded and continued saying, "You hardly ever don't talk about him. Plus, I'm pretty sure he likes you. I mean come on, the boy thinks the world of you."

"You guys. We are best friends. Of course, I talk about him all the time, want to spend every minute with him, and think the worl-Blimey." Daisy said, a sudden realization occurring in her brain. She glanced at them with a wide eyes.

"What?!" her two roommates said excitedly.

"I just remembered what I forgot to get him for his birthday. I got him a book instead, but I was going to give him a magical globe. Like the one where there are moving parts on it." Daisy said. Martha and Pandora groaned. They were dying for her to realize that Connor was her person.

Meanwhile, in the 3rd year boys dormitories, Connor was getting a very similar interrogation from his roommates. 

"Guys, honestly. We are just best friends. For now anyway." Connor said, grinning as his roommates, Nigel Kim, Nathan Pevensie, and Jason Peterson, looked at him in wonder. 

"Come on mate. You two have to at least have feelings for each other." Nigel said. Nigel was the outgoing one in their group. Though he was constantly testing the professors' patience.

"I-I don't think so." Connor said, "Besides, we have more important things to talk about. I heard from a little bird that Jason just started dating someone across the hall."

Jason gave Connor a glare as Nigel and Nathan began asking him who. 

"I'm dating Martha. Again. We've been dating since the beginning of summer."

Nathan and Nigel sighed, knowing that Martha and Jason would probably break up in a couple weeks and then get back together in a few weeks. They had been dating on and off since their first year. Jason was the kind one, but he also occasionally gave his friends the harsh truth. Nathan was the quietest and gentlest of the group. It took him a while to warm up to them, but now he was comfortable with them.

"Back to Connor!" the three boys said at the same time, causing Connor to regret the time he ever mentioned that he and Daisy hung out constantly over the summer. 

In the first year boy's dormitory, things were quite different.

"So. Are we in agreement?" James said.

"Mauraders it is. We are going to be the pranking kings of the school." Sirius said. 

"But we mustn't break any rules," Remus said a slight sarcastic tone in his voice. He gained a faithful nod from Peter.

"Please. That is why you are here. You will probably know all the loopholes by the end of tomorrow." James said. 

"James. You've got a little som-n-nevermind." Peter said after getting a head shake by Sirius. Sirius had put a hovering "I am a dashing young lad." sign above James's head.

"Okaaayyy...Anyway, we should probably get some sleep. We don't want to be tired tomorrow. Especially if you guys want to do that thing at breakfast." Remus said. 

James and Sirius grinned and said in unison, "It is going to be wicked!"

Across the hall, the girls were all complaining to each other about the boys. 

"James is an idiot. I mean he thinks the world revolves around him!" Lily said. 

"Agh. But have seen Sirius. He is constantly ruffling his hair and giving me a goofy idiotic grin! He is such a sucker for attention." Mary McDonald said.

"Please. What about Remus? He is always ruining my fun!" Marlene McKinnon said with a grouch. 

"Man. You guys. I can't complain about Peter. He's like a puppy!" Genevieve Winters said. The girls all giggled in agreement.

"Alright though. I want to bet each of you a galleon that Lily and James will get married someday." Genevieve said. 

"Evie. I will take your bet. I don't believe it will ever happen." Lily said and shook on it. 

"Girl. We both know it's going to happen. Just think. Your names practically go together. Ah! I can see it now! Lily and James Potter, and their two kids, uhhh..."Marlene began.

"I know! Harry is the older one!" Mary said, " Named after your dad, Lily." 

"Oh! and we all know you will be naming your second born after me!" Evie said, earning a pillow in her face from Lily. 

"What?! It's true. Marlene Potter and Mary Potter just don't sound right. And he can't make you name her after Daisy because that would be weird."

"What about my mom, or his, hypothetically speaking mind you."

"Daffodil Potter doesn't have a good ring to it. And I can't see you naming her Euphemia." Marlene said.

Lily rolled her eyes, "Fine. so if James and I end up together I owe Evie a galleon."

"And me!" Marlene and Mary said.  Lily shook her head, "BUT if I name my kids Harry and Genevieve, Marlene has to kiss Sirius, Mary has to kiss Remus, and Evie has to kiss Peter."

"And there goes my bet." Marlene said, "I am never going to kiss Black, ever."

"I wouldn't mind kissing Peter/Remus," Mary and Evie said. 

Lily smiled knowingly. If anyone was going to kiss anyone first, it was Genevieve and Peter. She could already tell. The two of them were so similar. The three women did indeed have to kiss the men Lily assigned them to when they got older as Lily gave birth to Genevieve and then Harry and she did indeed give each of them a galleon.

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