Chapter 14

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The Christmas Party at the Potters was a huge success. But the day started as a disaster. 

Daisy had spilled a whole container of Fleamont's hair potion all over James' room by accident. He thought it was a prank and proceeded to spill a bottle of perfume in her bedroom.  THEN, their parents found out which resulted in them cleaning half of the house by themselves, without the help of the house elves and without magic.

Really this was just a ploy so that the two of them were kept busy all day so that their parents could help the house elves decorate the house in peace. 

Sirius, who had been at the Potters all of the break,  distracted himself by ordering James and Daisy around, which resulted in three buckets of water being dumped on his head all at different parts of the afternoon. 

The Evanses were the first to arrive, and were joined by the Petigrews who had helped the muggles with the Flu network. 

Daisy immediately hugged Connor and the two of them went off into their own little world, leaving Lily, James, Sirius, and Peter on their own as the adults began talking. 

"I want in." Lily whispered to the trio.

"In on what?"

"On becoming an animagus. Oh don't look at me like that, of course I figured it out. Sirius is one of my best friends and Connor is my brother. I know when they are doing something fishy." Lily said as shock filled their faces.

"Ok, but you can't tell Remus." James said.

"There's no way Remus doesn't know." Lily said with a laugh. 

"I'm serious Lily. He doesn't know. Not at all. You can't tell him" James said. Lily nodded. 

"I really don't get why we can't tell him." Peter mumbled.

Soon, the Lupins came and the party began. All the kids ended up sleeping over at the Potters' house that night. They all slept in the living room and stayed up way past what they were supposed to. Something which Daisy, Connor, Lily, and James were all thankful for. Because late at night, secrets were told. 

"I can't believe Snevilles asked you out Lily." Sirius said, snickering. Lily groaned, "He was so embarrassed when I said no. I felt so bad but I think of him as a best friend, not a boyfriend."

"What about you Remus, what's your most secret secret?" Peter asked. James and Lily glanced at each other. 

"Wait! I haven't told mine yet!" James said. Sirius laughed, "James you have no secrets. I know everything. And obviously Connor knows cause he just told us he can read minds. I want to go back to that. The fact that he can read minds."

"Sirius, you can't tell anyone." Connor said.

"I won't!" Sirius said defensively. Connor groaned. Sirius was notorious for not keeping secrets. 

"I actually do have one I want to tell." Remus said quietly. His courage filling his heart, as well as a lot of adrenaline. "Well,actually Daisy knows what it is and Connor does too probably. And I think Lily and James figured, but I'm not sure."

Daisy, Connor, Lily, and James all braced themselves for the chaos that was about to ensue.

"Wait! What?! There is a secret I don't know about?!" Sirius said. Lily glared at him. "I-I mean, continue..." Sirius stuttered. 

"When I was around 5 years old, my dad made a werewolf named Greyback pretty mad."

"Your dad knew a werewolf!?" Sirius said. Lily shushed him and he apologized quietly.

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