Chapter 11

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Soon everyone else made their way to their new classes. Fortunately for Connor, and unfortunately for Daisy, they had Transfiguration first.

"Daisy. You wouldn't believe what Connor did after you left today!" Pandora said. She then told Daisy what had occurred and how Connor now had a detention. Daisy smacked Connor's head. "Merlin's beard! Connor! Honestly, I-I probably would have done the same thing!" She said,  failing to scold him, "But calling McGonagall Minnie! and in front of James and Sirius! McGonagall is going to kill us."

"It's not like they wouldn't hear it eventually. I'm just broadening their humor scale. Someone has to call her Minnie when I'm gone. And besides, the look on her face was-Merlin's Beard Professor!" He stopped as he felt soft fur brush against his arms. 

Daisy and Martha, who had just joined them laughed like crazy as Connor's face was one of true horror. 

"Great! Now of all times she freaking decided to enter the classroom as a cat! When I am freaking talking about her! I am going to get another detention!" he said, his arms flailing around as they sat down, with beside Jason beside him and Martha and Daisy in front of them. 

"Stop flapping your arms like a pelican, Mr. Evans, you still have only one detention this year." McGonagall said, with a very faint smile.  She knew that although Connor didn't seem to care on the outside, he did truly care about his studies, and his grades showed it.

He smiled and began talking to Jason.

"So mate, you and Martha huh?"

"Mate, its always been her. Even when it wasn't her it was her." Jason said with a smile. 

"You're just saying that because she's sitting in front of you," Connor said, earning three glares from his friends. He was so focused on them that he didn't notice McGonagall standing beside him. 

"Mr Evans, would you like to join the class or would you like to have a second detention?" 

Connor lept an inch off his chair in shock.  A sassy response was on the tip of his tougue, but he literally heard Daisy scream "No, Connor." in his head, to which he replied, "Yes Connor" to which she replied, "No. " Connor sighed and said, "Yes, Professor," the sass left unreleased. 

Meanwhile, in the Dungeons, a whole other story was occurring.

"Mr. Potter! Ms. Evans! Please sit down and continue working. Your potion is due at the end of this week need I remind you!"

"But Professor! Potter is clearly-"

"Get to work, Ms. Evans! Nevermind what Mr. Potter is doing." Slughorn said. Lily rolled her eyes, annoyed at how clearly Potter and Sirius were messing with Severus's potion. 

Lily and Evie left quickly after the lesson was over to get to their flying lesson first. To their amazement, the Marauders had gotten there first. 

"My my Remus. How on earth did you get here so fast?!" Evie asked with a smirk on her face. 

"Ah! A magician never reveals his secret, my dear Genevieve. " Remus said and held out his hand. Evie took it and they went to get brooms. 

James and Lily looked at each other and smiled discreetly, both knowing exactly what the other was thinking. For the first time, they actually agreed on something. They saw Marlene coming down the hill and their faces were wiped immediately. Marlene had a solemn look on her face. 

"Patricia Blakely's older sister went missing. She thinks it was the Knights of Walpurgis. You know, that Tom Riddle's gang from a few years ago."

"A few years?! the Knights of Walpurgis formed exactly twenty-one years ago in 1949. I know because my parents are part of it. The hardly ever speak about it though when I'm around. " Sirius said, "I never ask either. I don't exactly believe in their views."

"Why? What could be so bad about them?" Lily said, unknowingly. The others gave Sirius a sympathetic smile. 

Sirius sighed, "Well for one thing if they had their way, people of your birth wouldn't be allowed at Hogwarts or in the magical world at all."

"What do you mean? My birth?" 

"Lils, if they had their way, muggle-borns wouldn't be allowed at Hogwarts or any other school. Muggleborns wouldn't be able to fall in love and marry wizards or witches or have children with them. " James said, his face filling with empathy for his friend that he believed hated him, but  in that very moment, his crush on her began once she said-

"Well, in that case, Sirius, I am going to teach you all about the Muggle world so you can bother your parents until they think that Muggle-borns will rule the world," Lily said with determination. She walked over to the broom closet, grabbed a broom and waited in line for Madame Hooch. 

James and Sirius ended up laughing their heads off when Lily tried to fly on her broom. She fell off almost instantly.  But they were inspired when she got back up and tried again, then proved her talent with a broom, much to their annoyment since she was far better at flying than they were. Madame Hooch noticed her and threw a small ball at her, that Lily caught with ease. 

"She is going to be an amazing seeker!" Remus said from behind them. And that was the day they all found out just how talented Lily Evans was.

James and Sirius ran into the Great Hall that evening and exclaimed, "Connor! You should have seen Lily today in flying class!"

 Connor was so proud when James and Sirius told him about the lesson. Lily blushed the whole time and told them to stop exaggerating.  Daisy then said, "I honestly don't know what the fuss is all about. It's in her blood. Connor is an absolutely amazing Quidditch player too and he showed pure talent the first time he rode."

The boys looked at Conner with awe. Then Daisy whispered, "He's even a chaser on the Gryffindor team this year. "

Their mouths dropped. Unfortunately, McGonnagll was behind them when this occurred.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Black. Close your mouths please, we are not a school of codfish." James and Sirius clamped their mouths shut and McGonnagll made her way to the front of the room. 

Daisy noticed Connor begin to open his mouth. "No, Connor," she said, knowing her best friend too well. 

"Yes Connor," he said, pouting.

"No," Daisy said. However, Connor had already started speaking, "Welcome, Mr. Potter and Mr. Black to the Codfish School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" He made a fish face with his mouth. He glanced over at Daisy, who laughed so hard she knocked over her drink. He smiled softly for two seconds and then returned his face to the fish face.

She abruptly stopped laughing and said, mocking McGonagall, "Mr. Evans,  you have already been warned once about acting like a pelican, need I warn you twice." This time they both bursted out laughing, much to James and Sirius's annoyment. So the boys turned to listen to Peter and Lily's conversation. Lily was asking Peter rapid fire questions about Animagi.

"So like a werewolf?" Lily asked.

"No, werewolves can't control their transformations and they have to be bitten to become a warewolf. Animagi can control their transformations and don't have to be bitten."

Lily's face filled with fear, "Wait, warewolves are real?"

Remus sighed, helping Peter out, "Yeah. But don't worry. No warewolf would come to Hogwarts without Dumbledore knowing."

Sirius scoffed. "Why would Dumbledore let a werewolf into Hogwarts. My family knows plenty of werewolves and all of them hang out with the wrong sort." Remus's eyes skirted to his plate quickly and a flash of disappointment filled his face. His eyes looked up and the disappointment left as quickly as it came, however. 

It wasn't quick enough though. Lily and James had seen it. Their eyes met for a split second and they agreed on the second thing ever. Remus was a werewolf and they would never tell a soul they knew. Not even Remus himself.

"My mum told me she met a very friendly werewolf once. She helped my mum tons on a case." James said proudly. 

"So how do you become an Animagi?" Lily asked. 

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