Chapter 1

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The Evans family was perfectly normal thank you very much. Mr. and Mrs. Evans had three beautiful children, Connor, Petunia, and Lily. However, when Connor turned 11, their family became a little less normal.

It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon on Connor's 11th birthday when the doorbell rang. Connor supposed it was one of his friends and that they had arrived early to his party. When he opened the door, there was a woman wearing the funniest emerald clothes and a large pointy hat. Mrs. Evans came from behind Connor and asked if she could help the woman.

"Hello," the woman said in a way that Connor could only describe as firm yet kind, "My name is Minerva McGonagall. I am the deputy headmistress of a school called Hogwarts."

Connor laughed when she said the name of the school and Mrs. Evans nudged his side. He quickly stopped laughing.

"Please, come in. Can I get you something to drink? What can we help you with?" Mrs. Evans said kindly to McGonagall. She then told the family the craziest thing they had heard. Connor and Lily were a wizard and a witch. Mr. Evans believed it at once. He had been told growing up that his great great great grandmother had been a witch though until that moment he hadn't believed this great grandfather. Connor and Lily also believed Professor McGonagall. They knew they were different than Petunia. They had been doing "unnatural" things since they were small children, like that one time Lily turned Connor's hair bright purple because he was annoying her. Mrs. Evans and Petunia, however, were harder to convince and by the time they did, Connor's birthday party had begun. 

Conner's had a blast on his 11th birthday with his friends Jakob and Dave. However, when they asked him what middle school he was going to next fall, he told them his parents were sending him to boarding school, which made them sad. Jake went running into the house to find Mrs. Evans, asking her why Connor was being sent away. She replied saying that he was going to a special school for gifted children. Jake pouted and hugged his best friend. Connor grinned and said, "Aw Jakey. Are you going to miss me?" in a baby voice and ran off toward a river behind their house. Jake chased after him with Dave close on his trail.

"Seriously though mate. We are going to miss you. But I guess you are just too smart for us" Dave said. Connor smirked and messed up Dave's beloved hair. He told them that he'd be back for Christmas.


Daisy Lestrange was woken up abruptly the morning of the train ride to Hogwarts by her older brother Rodolphus and younger brother Rabastan. She groaned as she rolled over in bed, pushing Rabastan, the 10-year-old, off the bed, causing a crash. They heard their mother yell, "Stop fooling around and get ready to go you three. We need to be at the station in 20 minutes." Daisy jumped out of bed, hitting Rodolphus's arm and ran to her walk-in closet to get dressed. The three of them had been sharing a room at the Malfoy's house because their home was being renovated. The Lestranges took pride in the nature of their mansion and it was renovated almost every summer to keep it presentable. They, after all, hosted the largest holiday party gathering of purebloods every year.

"You had better get in Slytherin, Daisy." their father said as they left the house. "We do not need to be embarrassed. Especially after everything that the Blacks went through with Andromeda and that boy.

"His name is Ted, Papa. And of course I will try to get in Slytherin." Daisy said, a smile on her face even though she knew deep down she wouldn't belong there. She didn't dare consult her brothers, for she knew they would do anything in their power to make her become a Slytherin. Andromeda was her role model, her confidant, and favorite distant relative. She, herself, was a Slytherin but her ambition led her to become close freinds with people in other houses and who didn't have "pure blood".

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