Chapter 17

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Graduation day at Hogwarts had arrived. Panic struck with the graduating class as they got dressed quickly.

"Connor! Merlin's beard! The ceremony is in five minutes. If you aren't down here in thirty seconds I am going to-wow." Daisy stopped talking as Connor came down in his graduation robes.

"Connor  honey, you've got a little something on your shirt." She said and pointed at it. He looked down and she flicked his nose and missed him. "You look very nice Simba."

"As do you Twiga."  Connor said and hugged her. He then looked at the clock. "Blimey woman! a  We have there minutes! We have to hurry! Lily and James are graduating today! I don't know why you insisted we wear these robes." He complained. Daisy rolled her eyes, "All of our class is doing this, Evans. I didn't insist. Dumbledore did."

 As they came down to the Great Hall, Connor noticed Snape with his pals. "I still can't believe you were friends with that Mudblood. When I heard the news that the Blacks killed her parents. Well, let's just say I wasted no tears on her," he overheard one of them say. Daisy grabbed Connor's arm.

"No, Connor."

"Yes, Connor."

"N-" Connor shot a hex at the group of Slytherins. Unfortunately, James had just walked into the corridor with Sirius. Lily was following them and saw the hex. She then tugged on James's arm, her face filled with fury. James braced himself.

"James Potter! How many time have I told you to-"

"Honestly Lily, what did I do now?"

"You bloody hexed Snape when he wasn't looking." She said, exasperated.

"Lily, I did no such thing. I haven't done that since fifth year."

" Then who did?"

"I did." Connor said quietly.

"What! Connor? Why?" Lily said confused.

"Goldi, he insulted our family behind our backs. He was ranting to his death eater friends about how we were a pair of mudbloods. I just couldn't let that go." Connor said.

"oh. That idiot!" Lily said, her anger now diverted to Snape. James laughed.

"What are you laughing about Potter?" Lily demanded.

"Oh only that my girlfriend has anger issues." James said.

"You are just happy it's not directed at you." Lily said. 

Connor and Daisy smiled. Daisy was very obviously hiding a shiny ring on her finger. Lily and James, of course, noticed immediately and squealed in delight. The happily engaged couple laughed as their Sirius and the rest of the gang realized what happened. 

Connor and Daisy joined their peers on the Already Graduated side of the room. 

Soon enough, everyone had graduated. The graduates were now allowed to go home with their parents. Remus and Peter joined their families while Sirius, James, Lily, left with  Connor, and Daisy to the Potter mansion where Fleamont and Euphemia were fighting Dragon Pox.

At the Potter home, something seemed off. Everyone felt it and whipped out their wands. Connor raced into the Potters' bedroom, finding the couple lying still on their bed. His eyes filled with water as he felt their pulses, and tried to bring them back to life in anyway he knew how. 

Lily came in the room next and immediately knew what happened. She knelt down beside Connor and ushered his head to her shoulders. The three Potter kids came in the room at the same time. Lily sobbed as James let out a wail. She stood up and hugged him, both falling down as the grief hit. Sirius placed a hand on Lily's shoulder and soon joined them on the ground. Daisy sat next to Connor, her face in Connor's chest and he held her firmly in his arms, her hair covering his shaking hands. 

A crash was heard in the living room. All five of the young adults ran into the room. Three Deatheaters were there.  As if the day could get any worse. 

"Expeliarmus!" Lily, James, and Sirius shouted, succesfully disarming the three.

In a blink of an eye, however, all five Gryffindors were defenseless, held back by other Deatheaters as Voldemort entered the scene. 

"It seems Euphemia and Fleamont Potter are no longer with us. What a shame. I now ask the five of you to join my cause. Yes, even you Miss and Mr Evans. You two have been described as being desirable by many in my ranks."

Lily's face flushed red with anger. James knew that look all too well and braced for impact. 

"Get. Out." Lily said, her teeth clenched. A flash of light filled room as Lily preformed the Disarming Spell without her wand. The room fell silent. Voldemort frowned. He had a new person to fear. 

James just looked at Lily in awe and yelled, "Yeah, you and your goons messed with the wrong family!" he said. Another flash and Voldemort, the Deatheaters, and their wands were gone. 

The room fell silent.

"So, when were you going to tell us you could do wandless magic?" Fleamont Potter said from behind them. James whipped around to see his parents very much alive. Still sick. But alive. 

"Sorry we had to trick you like that. Euphemia was given news today that we were going to be targeted and we were trying to stay alive just a little bit long-oof" Fleamont grunted as James, Sirius, and Daisy all bear hugged the parents. Lily and Connor smiled, both missing their parents but happy that the Potters were all alive.

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