Chapter 1: Leaving Home...

Start from the beginning

"Favourite? You don't mean..."

"Pancakes with Sinnoh Honey, just how you like it. But, you'll have to sit down and just relax for a second if you want them."

"Of course.", Lucas said as he took a seat at the table and grabbed his knife and fork. Lucas's mom grabbed her frying pan and slowly lowered the golden brown pancakes, that had been lightly dusted with some powdered sugar and a generous drizzle of Sinnoh Honey had been layered on top. Lucas's eyes sparkled and he immediately tucked into his food, eating maybe a bit too fast. Lucas's mom chuckled and sat down in the chair opposite Lucas's, asking,

"So, have you decided what Pokemon you want from Professor Birch?"

She already knew the answer to the question, even before she'd asked it, and Lucas knew that she already knew the answer as well.

"Torchic. My answer still isn't going to change.", Lucas said as he finished his stack of pancakes. He couldn't place his finger on why, but ever since he even saw a photo of a Torchic, he knew that it was going to be his partner Pokemon. The other two were still nice starters, but Torchic just outshined the others. Lucas's mom smiled and said,

"Well, hopefully, no one else will decide to take Torchic as a starter."

"Well, I know Harry won't since I'm paying him not to."

Lucas's mom burst out laughing and said,

"Really? You are paying him?"

"Yeah, 500 Pokedollars if he doesn't pick Torchic. Although, I haven't spoken to the other girl that's getting a starter, but I'll just have to see."

"Well, hopefully, you'll be able to get the starter you want.", Lucas's mom said, just as a knock on the door disrupted the conversation. Lucas got up from his chair and opened the door wide open, to be greeted by a familiar face.

"Harry! What are you doing here?", Lucas asked, looking at the pale-skinned boy standing in the doorway. He had combed over hazelnut hair, deep red eyes and an outfit that mirrored Lucas's own outfit, only this time the colour palette was red and black. They had intentionally chosen the outfits to be a mirror to each other when they bought the outfits, and it helped to distinguish them. Harry then replied,

"Well, I was at the lab, but apparently Brendan isn't even there, and neither are the Pokemon."

"So, where is he?"

"According to May, he's just up the route catching some rare Pokemon with the other girl who's getting a starter."

"Are you going to go up there?", Lucas asked and Harry smiled.

"Yeah, and I was going to ask you to come with."

Then, suddenly, Lucas's mom popped her head out from the side of the door and said,

"Of course he will! Now, just give us a moment to talk."

The door slammed shut in Harry's face, the wind generated by the slam messing with his hair, and he quickly worked to fix it. Lucas turned around and his mom took one knee and grabbed onto Lucas's shoulders.

"Right, I need you to promise me something."

"Is it just about staying out of danger? Mom, I'll be fine-"

"It's not just about that though. You have a habit of rushing into things without thinking, and it might just happen that you can't get out of a situation you rushed into. So, please stay safe, and if you don't trust yourself to stay out of danger, get someone else to travel with you. They can keep you in check, and help you in dangerous situations."

"Alright, Mom. I can't promise to keep fully out of danger, but I'll try to get someone to tag along with me at least."

Lucas's mom breathed a sigh of relief and said,

"Well, at least you are being honest."

Lucas's mom then pulled Lucas into a tight hug, and Lucas gave a tight hug back, tears forming in both of their eyes. A moment of bliss passed, and they both pulled away from the hug.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Both brushed away the tears from their eyes and Lucas stood up from the floor, smiling at his mom.

"I'll text you when I get into Oldale Town."

"I'll be waiting. Have fun on your journey."

Lucas smiled as his mom did a small wave and he walked out of the door, closing the door behind him as he walked out into the sun of Littleroot Town.

"You ready?", Harry asked, tightening his hold on his backpack, and Lucas smiled at his friend.

"I'm ready."

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