Preparations For Castlevania

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Everybody of Chaos looked at me with a sinister grin and I smiled myself this put Hector and the sisters weary.

Marquis: " can this technology be... used for a entire city"

Lenore: "There has been no record of it from what I've heard but in theory id there are enough points of concentration through the city it should work"

Espadon: " how long will it take to travel?"

Striga: "frome the looks of it. It will take a month with a small group. With a army perhaps two months and a half"

Aryia: "but since we still have the unions ships if we send a small group we can reduce the time considerably"

Rask jumped out of his chair and and raised his fist into the air he then looked at me with excitement

Rask: "Mentor You know what this means!"

Y/n: "it means that Fort Bloodmourne can be teleported all throughout the galaxy if we add the Magic of Chaos to this technology! Hell we might even be able to turn it into a giant ship!"

I stood up and drew my knife from its sheath and stabbed the name on the map

Y/n: "this will be our next target to conquer! Marquis I need you to start the preparations at once!"

Marquis: "Yes Lord Y/n!"

Y/n:" Aryia I need you to go retrieve the ships"

Aryia: "yes Y/n"

Y/n: "Espadon you are to get our arms and hand out the weapons"

Espadon: "yes mentor"

Y/n: "Diplos gather all the Chaos tech priest we need to make contact with The Destroyer as soon as possible"

Diplos nods and walks out the room

Y/n: "Rask I need you scout the area for materials, I trust that our new allies will provide logistical support"

Morana: "I learned from other merchants that their are some steel and iron nearby"

Y/n: "then that's settled"

Y/n:" Hunter your children shall stay here and be my arbiters but I want you to go ahead since you have your beast you can scout around the area for any stragglers, then after that you will head to the castle ahead of time. How long will it take you to travel by mount?"

Hunter: " Y/n I have no need for a mount me and my beast use the shadows as our transportation"

Y/n: "how long will it take?"

Hunter: "to here? A 16 hours at most, 7 hours at least"

Y/n: " good, go immediately we will meet you at the Castle"

Carmilla: "oh I almost forgot to mention Y/n there is a dangerous trio that killed Dracula himself, thirs a speaker a vampire and... a... Belmont"

Y/n: "what's a Belmont?"

Hector: "the Belmont are a family of monster hunters they know the weakness of almost every monster that is written in their books"

Striga: "they are also the fucking bane of all vampires!"

Y/n: "Hunter be wary of these people even though their primitive anything can be dangerous when your in unknown territory, and good luck brother"

Hunter: "Yes Y/n see you soon"

Hunter's body faded into the wall and his shadowy figure crawled along the floor to the end of the balcony and left

Now it will take a sometime for Aryia to get those ships even though she has her hellstrider. I sat back down on the crude stone chair

FOR CHAOS (Chaos Space Marine Male Reader x Massive crossover)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant