I know how it Feels

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It's a teen wolf and maze runner oneshote. Every said person in teen wolf and maze runner is alive and its newtmas.

Stiles came back in Beacon Hills last month. He was missing for three years, or you can say kidnapped. After he woke up in safe heaven he remembered everything before he was kidnapped. His life as Stiles and how he was taken after a pack meeting on his way back home without a trace.

After they reached safe heaven everyone found that world wasn't scorched and WICKED lied to them, again. Thomas was heartbroken after newt's death but didn't let it show.

After he remembered everything he decided to come back and all the survivors decided to find and meet their own families before coming back to live with Thomas.

He came back and told his dad a ruff discription of what heppend. His dad told everyone that Stiles was kidnapped and somehow ran away from them. Whole pack was throwing questions at him like bombs, but he always ignored and walked away from conversation.

Whole pack noticed how changed he was. He wore different clothes he kept his hair down not gelled. His eyes were dark and haunted....more then before he was taken. He jumps at slightest sounds and always wears a neckless. He always carries a gun and a knife with him now.

After weeks of trying they gave up and decided to let him take his time. He was glad by that. It was not like he wants to hide anything but he wasn't prepared to recall his time with WICKED. He was scared to even think about newt.

Stiles's P.O.V

I was driving to Derek's loft for emergency pack meating Lydia called. I don't know what's the matter but I was wishing it wasn't something serious. I was not ready to jump in fight again just yet.

I pulled into parking lot and noticed everyone's car was already here. Great! I was last to come. I picked my gun from passenger seat and tucked it in back of my jeans as I walked toward lift. When I pushed past big doors of Derek's loft I saw whe pack standing there.

Malia and Issac were in conversation with each other just like Allison, kira and Scott. Lydia was sitting in middle of twins. She was looking little worried and Aiden was rubbing her back Ethan is on her other side with Jackson.

Liam is with Theo and Peter is sitting on spiral staircase in back. Derek was nowhere in sight which was wierd.

"Stiles is here too, now you can tell us what you wanted to so I can be free from here Lydia." Peter says, walking forward with tired expression on his face. Almost everyone rolls their eyes.

"Derek is not here." Lydia said plainly.

Third persons P.O.V.

"He won't be here today, so you can says whatever you want I will tell him." Peter replies. Whole pack looks at him to explain further. Even Stiles, who wasn't interested in much nowadays.

"Today's the date when he have to kill his first love Paige. He won't meet anyone today and won't leave his room." Stiles's heart drops at his words, remembering newt.

He remembers how newt begged him to put him out of his misery and kill him. Derek was strong enough to do that for his love but Stiles failed even there. His hand unconsciously reaches to hold newt's neckless, where he have Newt's note with confession of his love. Stiles wishes he could have said something too before he lost him.

"Stiles! You alright?" Allison asks, looking at him with worried expressions, Issac and Liam also looked same but others just noticed now that Stiles was frozen in his place and was getting pale.

"Y-yah fine....I was just thinking.... something." Stiles says, but no one looks convinced, spacially Allison.

"I know it might be hard for him but he needs to know this. Please call him downstairs." Lydia pressed, but Peter stays put.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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