Elder Saarka advised to make pacts with other reliable packs so they back us up if another war like situation breaks down in near future. Father ordered Me and Ryker to check border patrolling and report to him before bed. Some other small matters were discussed and meeting ended. Everyone left pack house soon after.

"Finish your work early and meet me in my office after dinner," I yell as we both sprint towards borders in opposite directions. He wink, stretching his arms above his head, connoting he got it.

Everything is in order and the major thing that needs my attention is for later tonight.

Now, time to meet my feisty kitten. She is the kindest soul you rarely meet. Childish one time and behave like an adult the other, she acts reasonable one time and be totally unreasonable the other but always positive, I enjoy being around her.

I reach the backdoor of her house, it is close to that part of forest I inspected earlier.
Her mother Rylie is in the kitchen, cooking.
"Good afternoon." I grab some flowers from the flower vase kept on kitchen aisle and offer them to her.

"To you too and those flowers will go back to where they belong." She gave her best to sound angry while smiling, a weird combination.

She is like a mother to me.
Mother in law more so, just kidding.

"Ivy is not home?"
I do not smell her presence in the house.

"She texted me earlier about some important last minute work she had to do" she says, offering me grilled sandwiches.

"Thank you," I take two.
I know exactly that last minute work she had to attend so badly.

"Would you like some more?"

Was I staring the sandwich that hard.
"I would be taking the front door."

"You can wait in the living room, she could be back any minute."

"This taste really good," I say over the door.

That Daniel guy is sure asking for trouble. He is a fool for thinking my Ivory would want anything to do with him. I crack my knuckles and roll my neck muscles, trying to regain my composure.

I was excited to spend some time with Ivy, but she has other priorities. Past few days have been frenetic to put it lightly. We decided on some fun activities, but she fucking bailed on us.

I jump in the lake where we were supposed to go after supposed trekking. I heard twigs snap and my wolf 'Aaron' starts sprinting in the back of my mind as sweet scent of lilies enters my nose. He too was excited about our hunt today but sorry buddy there is no time left for that, we have got work to do.

I dive under water. She won't be able to smell me here, water fades the smell. I don't know if I want to see her now.

"Zack?" She turns to forest. She looks cute when she pout. Bet she is worried about stumbling onto my dad now that she has to visit my house. He has indeed turned into a Slavedriver.

Woah! Is she stripping here out in the open?

"I knew I would find you here," she turns back grinning.

If anything I deserved this front row ticket, "don't stop on my account, continue," I say, no cap.

"Mastering the art of breathing under water, are we?" And this is how we get back to normal. "I was almost there," I laugh at my failed attempt to avoid her.

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