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"and like the moon, we must go through phases of emptiness to feel full again"


Y/N's P.O.V
a new beginning

The scent of old leather clinged in the air and sweat trickled down the back of my neck as I continued to land my fists on the punching bag. My knuckles were beginning to bleed again with the amount of powerful hits, and I was clearly aware of the fact they weren't going to be healed soon.

It didn't matter to me because I was used to bearing more than that and this slight burn would never concern me. The hardness of the bag was magnificent on my bruised skin as I continued to land my fists on the punching bag, this was my escape zone. I've started to find pleasure in pain somehow.

The bag was close to bursting. I kept my balance and grounded my feet before throwing the punch for the last time, putting every ounce of strength and it exploded with the grains inside the bag scattering in every direction.

The vengeance in my blood kept growing each day. The need to make my family's killer suffer grew stronger with passing second, I was aching to take my revenge. I always reminded myself of the quote "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". It was indeed true, after everything that I have been through, I keep getting stronger.

Nothing could satisfy me more than torturing the bastard and his family who ruined my life. Even after everything I've come through and even after this never ending pain, I couldn't help but shed tears as soon as I thought of that cruel night.

A clap brought me back to reality and I looked for the owner to reveal Yoongi.

Yoongi: "Come on Y/n, get your shit together"
I rolled my eyes at his comment as I unrolled the strip of cotton cloth wrap from my palm which was soaked in my own blood.

Y/n: "Pass me the first aid".
He came towards me and tossed me the first aid box and plopped down beside me.

Yoongi: "Don't torture yourself".

Y/n: "This isn't even close to torturing".
I said as I kept dabbing the ointment on my bruised knuckles.

Yoongi: "Today's the night, Y/n. Don't injure yourself".
I shrugged at his comment and got up when I was done with treating myself and closed the first aid box

Y/n: "Yoongs, don't worry about me. I'm going to be fine. You know I've waited for this since forever now".

This time, I looked at him. Concern. He was concerned about me. He was never the one to express himself, his face remained neutral all the damn time, but seeing his features covered in concern made me heave out a long sigh. He always thought of me as a little sister, he was the brotherly figure everyone would ask for. We're Not blood related, but we shared a bond greater than that of blood relations.

He wasn't only my brother, he was my everything. He was the person who took care of me when I used to cry from my nightmares, the one who cured my anxiety, who pulled me out of depression. Yoongi kept his hands on both of my shoulders and looked at me.

Yoongi: "I'm proud of you, very proud to be honest. I still remember how you were just 11 years old back then, when you came here. Now, you're 21. Wanna know something"?

I nodded at his words as he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the garden. I looked at him with confusion itched on my face and he just gave me his famous gummy smile.

Yoongi: "l always adored you. 10 years ago when you first called me brother, I knew I wouldn't step back even if I had to die for you. I've seen you grow, from a little girl to a fearless tigress. You'll always be a little bratty girl for me though, but you've to know that I can't lose you. If anything goes wrong tonight, don't panic because I got your back, you just have to trust me".

I was taken aback by his words, he was the one person who never complimented me. He always fueled the fire inside me and today to see him complimenting me, stunned me.

Y/n:" I love you too arsehole".

Yoongi: "Of course you do".

I glared at him playfully and looked back towards the breathtaking garden. This garden was filled with mine and Yoongi's childhood memories. We fought here, laughed and played together.

Y/n: "Nothing can go wrong today, nothing, failure is not an option now'.

Yoongi: "Make me proud, I know you will. You're stronger than most of the people out there".
I smiled at his words and nodded slightly.

Y/n: "Now, let's prepare for tonight. After all, we're meeting Jeon Jungkook tonight".
Excitement rushed through my adrenaline as I thought about the adventure that I would be experiencing tonight. He'll die tonight and I'll make sure of that.

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