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Y/n's P.O.V

My body shuddered as the wind created its effect on my face. I took a step inside the mansion with me holding uncle Chester's hand. My eyes widened as I took in the appearance of the mansion in front of me, it was thrice the size of my house, if not more.

Blood was making my skin sticky but the man beside me didn't seem to mind as he held my hand. It was like a promise that he won't let anyone hurt me. Stepping inside the mansion, I saw a lot of men, my body tensed at this. Was he going to hurt me?

It was like he felt me tensing, he looked over me and smiled sweetly. His smile needed no words to convey that he meant no harm. The mansion's glory awed me as I looked around, it was beautiful inside out.

Snapping out of my daze, I kept going inside with the man who saved me beside me. A scream escaped my lips as a boy suddenly appeared in front of me, boy chill why you gotta scare me like that? He had a cold frown stuck on his face as he looked at me. Creep.

Chester: "Valerie, meet my son, Yoongi".

Y/n: "Hello".
I said while looking down, he looked too intimidating for me to stare at him. I felt uncomfortable, inferiority is something I always hated and this boy in front of me looked like he was highly judging me.

Yoongi: "Who's she"?

Chester: "Your sister"

My gaze automatically snapped towards uncle Chester, my head moved so quickly towards him that I think I broke my neck. Well since when? Am I missing out on something?

As soon as he heard the word sister, he started flashing me a gummy smile and I stared at him weirdly. Was he bipolar? Definitely.

Yoongi: "You got her. Hey little girl".
He said and came towards me engulfing me in a brotherly hug. He felt home too, but what caught my attention was when he said you got her. Weird.

I remained quiet at that. Everything was happening too fast. A moment ago I was being killed and now, I'm here with some strangers who treat me like I was their long lost family member.

Yoongi: "You're so cute, petite, fragile oh my lord. Come, I'll show you your room".

I scoffed internally as he called me petite and fragile. Boy just wait till I kick you in the balls and throw you down a building, pfft.

He started dragging me and I just looked at uncle Chester, shooting him a questioning look of what was happening . He just nodded and smiled at me as if saying that I can trust him. Welp.

Yoongi didn't even look at me as he kept dragging me upstairs. He looked so giddy, it was actually weirding me out. As long as he doesn't kill me or give me gummy bears, we're good.

Yoongi:"Let's go"!!

He opened some unknown room and dragged me inside it.

Yoongi: "You should take a shower, you smell like a rotten egg".

I scowled at him, never tell a girl they smell bad, never. A scoff unintentionally escaped my lips.

Y/n: "Did you just call me a rotten egg, indirectly"?

Yoongi: "Kind of".

Y/n: "Jackass".

Yoongi: "feisty ass".

Y/n: "Dumbass".

Yoongi: "Snarky ass".

Y/n: "Asshole".

Yoongi: "Bitch".

What was he doing? Trying to get on my nerves? If yes, then he succeeded wonderfully. In a moment, I was on top of him pulling his hair forcefully, he took almost no time to react as he grabbed a fistful of my hair and started pulling as well.

Uncle Chester came rushing as he heard our screams echoing in the silent house.

Chester:"Behave Yoongi".

He said and the boy pushed me off of him, uncle Chester took his hand and dragged him out, before telling me to freshen up.

Y/n: "Why did we fight just now"?

I muttered to myself and shook my head. A soft knock was heard on the door, snapping me out of my thoughts, I opened the door and saw a lady.

Lady: "I'm your maid. Master told me to take care of you. Here's the dress, please take a bath and come downstairs".

She said while passing me a dress and left.. I closed the door and sat on the bed taking in the whole surrounding. My heart was thumping vigorously. I was now well aware of my surroundings and the things that happened just now. I lost my family. Why am I alive now? What's the point?

My scalp was throbbing in pain because a certain someone tugged on it very harshly. Brother my foot, more like an enemy.

I took a shower, wore the clean outfit and made my way downstairs to see uncle Chester and Yoongi sitting on a couch.

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