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Jungkook's P.O.V

Jungkook: "Shoot."
My voice boomed in the noiseless room. My vision was invaded by a man hung on the wall, secured by chains. He was once a part of my gang, was.

Jungkook: "Why did you break the omerta, Dohyun"?!

Dohyun: "I-i---"
Gunshot. The voice of the gunshot echoed as the bullet escaped my gun. A devilish smirk occurred on my face as the wall got covered by blood, by red.

A sense of satisfaction rushed through my blood as I saw the display of my favorite color. Omerta is a code of silence about criminal activity and a refusal to give evidence to the police or rivals among the mafia.

In short, once you take the omerta and pledge your life to your leader, there's no turning back. You break the rule, you die.

Dohyun was a spy, a secret agent sent by another rivalry gang to get information about my tactics, but unfortunately for them, only the bodies get out of these walls.

Dead bodies only. People get killed here faster than the speed of light, and that's basically the life of mine.

Yeonjun: "Check this file out".
Yeonjun, a very trusted member of my gang, my consigliere tossed a file in my direction. My hands caught them with ease and I raised an eyebrow at Yeonjun.

Yeonjun: "Information of gangs who've made an alliance to remove us".
I rolled my eyes at him and threw the file across the room, making it crash on the floor.

A loud growl escaped my lips as I stared at my men.

Jungkook: "We're not begging anyone to team up with us. Stop being a pussy and train yourself, hard".
My words were crystal clear to them, they knew exactly what I wanted. They sauntered away from my sight and I rolled my eyes as Yeonjun stayed behind.

Jungkook: "Yes"?

Yeonjun: "Scotch"?
I rubbed the back of my neck and smirked at his solicit.

Jungkook: "In my room".
I said and walked away from the crime scene. Oh right, did I mention Yeonjun is also my younger brother? My bad.

Y/n's P.O.V

I knocked thrice at the door and without waiting for any response, I entered it. It was a signal between me and the man behind the doors.

Y/n: "Yes, dad"?

Dad: "Sit".
I nodded and took a seat beside my dad, the person who's also the reason behind my revolution.

Dad: "Today is the night".
4 words, my ears have been craving for these four words. A smirk made its way to my lips as soon as my brain registered the words.

Y/n: "Finally".
I said, cracking my knuckles and looking at dad. This man played no less role than an angel in my life.

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