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Author's P.O.V

F l a s h b a c k

The engine roared to life as the man started the car. The little girl sat in the car saw the places pass by in a blur through the window. She was in the car with 2 men currently, one being the driver and other sitting in the passenger's seat, whereas she was in the backseat, sticking to the window while hugging her knees and sobbing quietly.

She heard the men converse among themselves, but they were talking in Italian, a language that this little girl couldn't understand. However brave or smart this girl was, at the end of the day she was 11 years old, whose life has taken a drastic change. Everything was happening too quickly for her to understand, her mind was in a state of paralysis, but by hook or by crook, she was going to escape.

Man 1: "Perché pensi che il capo abbia bisogno di lei"?
(why do you think the boss needs her?)

Man 2: "Vorrei averlo saputo".
(I wish I knew)


Y/n: "E-exc-use m-me, I n-need to use w-washroom".
I said, mustering up my courage and asking the men in front of me while stuttering.

Man 1: "Eh"?

Man 2: "Lei vuole usare il bagno, idiota".

Man 1: "Fermare l'auto accanto alla strada poi".
(stop the car beside the road)
I gazed at them in confusion as they talked among themselves, but suddenly the car came to a halt, making me fall forward a little.

Man 2: "Do not try any dirty tricks on us, little girl. You can't escape, do you understand? Be a good little bitch and return quickly".
I scoffed internally, son of Dora, but I nodded nonetheless. Little did he know I wasn't going to listen to him, I, Kim Y/n, am a very stubborn girl even though I was shitty scared right now.

The 2nd man opened the door for him and I got out, stumbling while doing so. My legs trembled as they met the cement road. I couldn't feel my legs, they were shaking furiously, but as I kept taking steps towards the bushes, my legs stabilized themselves.

I have to use this chance, I've to do something, just anything that could take me away from the killer of my family. It was a do or die situation, literally. This is the right time, I went inside the bushes and looked around to see if there was anything that could help me to escape.

Luckily, I found a sharp wooden stick which I may add is insanely sharp. Sharper than your jawline, bad joke. I stayed hidden behind the bushes, if I waited here longer, they'd come for me. So, I kept waiting, but my body jolted with excitement and nervousness as I heard the footsteps accompanied by a loud angry voice.

Man 1: "Vieni fuori"!
(come outside)
How smart did he think I was? Or was he dumb to not know that I didn't understand his language? The footsteps neared and I prayed to the almighty power to bless me with some strength. I sneakily peaked through the bushes and as soon as that man entered my eye range, I pushed the sharp wooden stick inside his stomach.

Blood spilled all over my hands and face as soon as the stick pierced through his skin. The man let out a startled scream and muttered bitch under his breath. I wasted no time in running away from there as he fell on the ground.

The other man came running as soon as he heard the scream and started following me. I ran with all the strength that my legs could muster up,

I was aware, he was trailing behind me closely, but I saw the city lights nearing my vision so I sped up with my small legs. I was exhausted, actually exhausted is an understatement, not just physically but mentally as well. I took the advantage of my short height and mixed myself within the crowd.

At this point, the man had lost the sight of my vision, but even though I knew I was safe, I kept running until I reached the backside of a club. What now?

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