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Y/n's P.O.V

F l a s h b a c k

My small frame curled like a ball as I hugged my knees and sobbed loudly. The scenes from before kept replaying inside my head, it's almost unrealistic how my life has taken a drastic change within a span of hours. I wished someone would wake me up and tell me that everything was just a bad nightmare, but the more I cried, the more reality sank inside me. I didn't know how cruel the world is, until the bubble around me popped. Life is not a fantasy because the reality would always sink in. Would those men come after me again? Am I a killer now?

I was terrified even by the thought of them finding me again, the things they'd do to me. My trail of thoughts were dangerous at this point, I was scared of everyone, even myself. Killing someone for saving yourself is not a bad thing, right? I tried calming my mind, but I felt repellent.

What was the point of me living anymore? I had nothing, absolutely nothing. It's just in a matter of time that those guys find me and take me to their boss.

Zoned out in my thoughts, I didn't even realise someone was standing in front of me until my eyes fixated on a pair of boots near my body. Fear engulfed my mind and my senses warned me that this is the end of my life. Save me, god. I'll never eat chocolates sneakily again, nor will I call Dora blind.

Y/n: "D-don't k-kill me p-please".

Man: "What are you talking about, child"?

My head snapped upwards as soon as I realised that it wasn't the man I was expecting. A wave of solace washed my face and I let out a sigh of relief.

The man grabbed my shoulder and picked me up slowly, making me stand. He kneeled down in front of me and looked at me worryingly.

Man: "Oh dear lord who did this to you, my child"?

He asked me with a concerned voice. I don't know what possessed me, but I hugged the man in front of me. Even if he was a stranger, I felt oddly protected in his embrace.

The man started patting my back, encouraging me to tell him whatever I was going through. Through sobs, breaking of voice I told him whatever has happened to me in the last few hours. I pulled apart and looked at him, still shaking and sobbing uncontrollably.

Y/n: "U-uncle, they'll find me and k-kill me".
The man patted my head and hugged me again, relaxing my heightening nerves.

Man: "Don't worry, child. I'll take care of you. They won't lay a finger on you, I'll make sure of that. Call me uncle chester".
I nodded and everything was a blur after that, but I remember him carrying me like I was his own blood before I was engulfed in deep slumber of darkness.

!!End of Flashback!!

*VIOLENCE ALERT! Can be triggering to few. Continue on your own risk, you've been warned!!

Y/n's P.O.V

I stood in front of the metal bolted black door, hearing Alexander struggle against the chains that held him to his chair. If I focused enough I could see his immense body heat moving through the door, but I didn't.

Y/n: "Is what I asked for set?"
I asked without turning to look at Yoongi who grunted out a yes.

I purposely let my boots make noise as my swift strides reached in front of the chair, where my prey was held. The basement grew cold as I let out a menacing chuckle, the trespasser was locked in my vision.

Fear, he stared in fear. The sight of my eyes peering down at him made him quiver and stutter in search of his voice. The sound of his blood pulsing and heart beating at a rapid speed made me pity the fear that dwelled within him as I looked straight in his eyes. A single bead of sweat formed on his forehead as he tried looking brave. The keyword being tried.

Y/n: "Alexander, you not so innocent man. Why did you trespass this territory"?

I enquired the man in front of me as I pressed the sharp point of the knife below his jaw and pushed it inside slowly.

Alexander: "A g-girl can't do this task, go to your d-daddy".
Anger rushed through my blood at his words. A low chuckle came from my throat as I let the knife drag from his jaw, down to the ground from where I picked out a gun and shot him in the knees. An ear-piercing scream echoed in the room and the atmosphere grew darker.

Y/n: "Tch tch, you're a sexist man, eh? Too bad, let this girl show you how she can do this task and maybe then I'll let you go to your mommy".

Alexander: "I-i won't t-tell y-you".
I scoffed at his choice of words and shot his left shoulder, the gunshot was followed by yet another scream which filled my blood with immense pleasure.

Y/n: "That was your last chance and you made the wrong move, buddy".
I aimed my gun at him, ready to pull the trigger.

Alexander: "W-wait, I'll t-tell y--"
He started, but the damage was done. I shot him right between the eyes.

Yoongi: "That wasn't a smart move, Y/n. He was spilling the information".
Yoongi, my consigliere (right hand man). More like a brother who welcomed me the first time I kept my feet inside the house.

Y/n: "He wasn't part of a mafia, just another sleeper cell. You're smarter than this, yoongs come on".

Yoongi: "Why'd you kill him then"?

Y/n: "Clean this up. Make this place spotless".
I ordered the men in my team and walked out of the room with Yoongi trailing behind me. I sighed and kept walking until I reached my bedroom.

Y/n: "So what'd you have suggested? Let him get out of here so that he reports to the person who sent him here"?

Yoongi: "We could've trained him as one of us".

Y/n: "And what's the assurity that he'd stay loyal and not open his mouth? One bullet and he'd spill everything to the other person".

Yoongi: "He took one bullet, yet he didn't spill anything out".

Y/n: "He didn't have anything to say. He was a victim".
Yoongi nodded with an impressed expression lingering on his face.

Yoongi: "Since when did your potato brain start working"?

Y/n: "Since yours stopped working.. Oh wait, your brain never worked, my bad".
He scowled and playfully glared at me to which I let out a laugh. He shook his head and flicked my forehead, now I was the one who scowled at him. He let out a chuckle at my expression and I rolled my eyes before shutting the door close.

Yoongi: "Dad has requested your presence in his room".

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