chapter 34

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Percy stood in front of the Big House with the rest of the camp a good 20 feet behind him.

Percy turned around, "you sure you guys don't want to come closer?"

"No it's okay," Lee Fletcher called out, "we don't want to get in your way."

"And you Hermes?" Percy asked the messengers of the gods who sat next to Dionysus on the porch of the Big House sipping a glass of milk.

"No thanks," Hermes said, "I just came here to observe and report back."

Percy nodded, "if you say so."

After Dionysus fainted last night they had decided to wait till morning to release the demi gods. After all 24 new demigods would be a lot to handle, they would the entire camp to back them up. At breakfast Percy had to step up and basically explain to everyone about his inventory powers, which got him a few odd looks from the crowd. They thought he was joking, until he pulled out a shield from thin air. It took some time but people got the general gist of his powers, and here they all were.

He opened his inventory and quickly looked through it and chose the first demigod to release.

Percy reached in and pulled out a young boy with brown hair and sparkling blue eyes.

"Yo mini me," Percy said grinning ear to ear as he placed the kid down, "welcome to camp," Percy stepped to the side and gave the young boy a full view of all the campers.

"WOW!" Little Percy yelled out with a twinkle in his eye, "this is so cool! You kept your promise Percy!" The young shouted as he charged and grabbed Percy in a tight hug.

"Oph," Percy puffed out as the kid nearly took out all the air in him. He patted the kid on the back, "well a promise is a promise kid."

"Who is he Percy?" Annabeth asked drawing both Percy's attention to the rest of the camp.

"Oh right, introductions. Camp meet Percy Decker," Percy said as he patted the boy on the shoulder again.

"No another one!" Michael yelled out, "camp is barely surviving with one Percy!"

"Shut up Michael no one asked your opinion!" Percy growled out.

"Bite me fish head!"

"Shut up or I'll rip the strings off of your guitar!" Percy shouted as he turned to little Percy, "don't mind him, he just likes to be annoying."

"Like your one to talk!"

"Shut up Michael!"

"Ah hm," Dionysus cleared his throat drawing everyone's attention, "as much as I would love to see you two engage in verbal spares we do have, sigh, 23 more demigods to get through, so if you would please continue with the introduction Peter," Dionysis motioned for Percy to continue.

"Who is that weirdo and why did he call you Peter?" Little Percy asked causing the entire camp including Hermes to explode in a fit of laughter leaving Dionysus with a headache.

"That mini me is Dionysus, the god of wine," Percy said as slowly the child of Pan started to pale a little, "don't worry, he might look me but underneath it all he's a big softie. And sometimes he purposefully calls you by the wrong name, but that's just because he doesn't like getting close to any demigods."

Percy then turned to Hermes, "and you see that thin dude in the red track suit, he's Hermes god of messengers, your grandfather."

Hermes blinked, "he's my legacy?"

Percy shook his head as his smile grew bigger, "nope. Percy," he turned to the kid, "why don't you introduce yourself?"

"A-ah, you sure?" The little boy asked uncertain.

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