chapter 19

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Percy walked to the Poseidon cabin under the light of the moon and quickly took out the Space key Persephone gave him. If what she said was true then if he used this on any door it should bring his to Persephone's place. Percy put the key into the lock and turned. He pushed the door in and instead of the inside of Poseidon's cabin it was Persephone's room.

Percy entered and took out the key from the door. He then closed the door and when he opened it again it was the inside of Hades's palace instead of camp. Percy ran out of the room and headed to the throne room.

He walked into the throne room and inside he saw Persephone sitting in the throne with Hades as her foot rest. She looked up in genuine surprise, "Percy? Your back soon. I know I said to visit when you can but I thought you might take a few years."

Percy smiled, "I wish, but I'm not here for that. I'm here for Hades."

Hades looked up and slowly stood up. But Persephone then pulled his chain and force him into his knees, "oh hell no. You can talk but you do it on you knees."

Hades whimpered but nodded. He then turned to Percy and spoke in a defeated tone, "so what do you want kid?"

Percy reached into his inventory and pulled out the Helmet of Darkness, "I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."

Hades's eyes widened at the sight of the helmet and jumped to his feet to try and get it but Persephone still had the chain and so she pulled him back to his feet. But Hades didn't look bothered by that and simply looked at Percy, "okay what do you want?"

Percy smirked on the inside but kept a neutral face with the help of Gamer's mind, "all the demigods that died today, I want them back."

Hades's eyes widened, "what?! Oh hell no! No deal!"

"Why not?! You let Orpheus do it! He just walked in here, played a flute and you allowed him to take his lover back! Why not let me do the same, hell I'll raise you one better, I'm giving you back your freaking symbol of power!"

"It would have been fine if it was one person, maybe even three. But there is no way I can let you take 36 people back with you out of this place without getting into trouble with the Olympians!"

Percy was surprised at the number of people that died but he didn't let that deter him, "well then let me just take all of them. I'll figure something out, maybe I can bribe Zeus with his Master Bolt or something."

Persephone then spoke up, "let him do it Hades," the god then turned to his wife to argue but one look from her and he shut up. Persephone smiled at that and turned to Percy, "you realise if you do this they will come after you. The moment you take the souls out of the DOA they will be on you like hellhounds on meat. They might just send an Olympian to take you down, probably Ares."

Percy smiled, "I don't think Ares is going to do any moving around for some time. But that's not the point. I am willing to take that risk. Just give me a chance to save them that's all I ask. Do that and I'm willing to give back the helmet to you and loan you Cerberus."

Persephone smiled at that, "loan? I didn't realise he was yours now."

Percy shrugged, "he took a liking to me. Something about it being too depressing in the Underworld."

Lie Succeeded!


A Skill has leveled up!

· Lying, Lv-9 (12%)

This is your ability to lie to people, the higher the level the better the lie and less chance of discovery!

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