Chapter 33

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"You have kids?" Percy looked surprised before letting out a depressed sigh, "why aren't I surprised? So basically everyone of the 'Eldest Gods' broke your oaths and had children, sigh, Greeks."

"No, for your information I didn't break my oath," Hades said in a better than you tone, "I was the only one who kept true to my word."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "really? Because unless your kids are 60 years old or something there's no way you didn't break your oath."

Hades shook his head, "no, they are still children, but they were born before the oath was even made."

Percy sighed again, "I feel like you want me to ask you how that's possible, but if I do that you are probably not going to shut up, so I don't want to do that."

Hades narrowed his eyes, "you are as rude as your father."

"Thanks, it runs in the family uncle."

Hades glared at Percy, "my children were born before world war 2, I knew they were in danger, Zeus had already killed their mother to try and get to me. I had to protect them. I sent them to the Lotus Hotel and Casino, which is a place that dilutes time making people feel time has nearly stopped when it reality days if not years has passed. I did this to protect them from everything, the war, Zeus and even Poseidon."

"I doubt my dad is capable of killing children Hades."

"You have no idea what my brother is capable of nephew," Hades said with narrowed eyes, "your father may seem like the perfect god to you, but to others he is a monster. I have seen him destroy lives Jackson, I know what he truly is like."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "that may be but that is the past. People change, I know my dad isn't the same man."

"People change, God's don't."

"Look let's just get to the point, you want me to save your kids, why? The have been safe for so long, you could have released them any time you want. But right now Kronos is back and we a in the brink of war, why risk your kids lives?"

Hades remained silent before answering, "because before Zeus would have killed them without a second thought, but now he is more.....tame. He doesn't try and kill you every day, though you give him plenty of reason to," Percy flipped off the God, "and right now I believe Olympus needs all the powerful demigods it can get. Or am I wrong?"

Percy nodded, "you're right. We need help. And you also sound like a caring father, if I didn't think you were full of it," Hades remained quiet as Percy continued, "I for some reason believe that and will get your kids "

Percy then remembered the forgotten memory of the cursed oracle

Percy's eyebrows shot open, "you cursed the oracle of Delphi because Zeus killed your lover," Percy remembered what his Observation powers had told him about the mummy, and when you're next to a rotting corpse that talked information like that tended to stick out.

Hades nodded, "yes, I did. I don't know how you know that, but yes I cursed her. She will never again find another host unless my children are released from the Great Prophecy, and the only way to do that is to fulfill it."

"Is it possible for you to lift the curse? It's kind of creepy to keep talking to a mummy."

Hades shook his head, "no, my curse is set and it's been active for too long. It would take too much energy to destroy it."

Percy sighed, "fine, I'll help them. But you owe me one Hades."


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