chapter 21

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Percy spent the extra free day he had mostly studying in the Athena cabin. He needed to know more things, he knew that, so he had asked Annabeth to help him out. During the day he was put through the ringer as he learned more and more stuffing himself with knowledge. By the evening he had leveled up his English language twice and increased his Int level by 4 points.

Language: Modern English, Lv-22 (90%)

Due to you being a demigod you have Dyslexia, but with hard work you have overcome your disabilities and you're reading is now near grade level-College+

+50% reading speed


Here's a tip, if you ever want help in your studies do not ask a child of Athena, just don't. Percy swore there was something down right scary about the way the Athena cabin members learnt, something unholy. It was scarier than fighting a demon, which he has actually done before.

After dinner Percy managed to sneak away to the forest and to the Fist of Zeus where he put up an ID: Empty and started to train his other skills.

First was fire ball, where Percy tried to make it more powerful by putting more mana in it but keeping the size small, the result of his flames turning blue and him gaining a variation on his ability;

Fireball, Lv-13 (23%)

Allows user to send balls of fire at enemy.

Cost- 100 MP

Attack- 1000 Damage

· Blue flames, Cost 200 MP, 1540 Damage

The extra cost was nothing when compared to the boost of power he got making this one of Percy most reliable attacks, but there was a drawback. The more powerful it got, the bigger it got and the more it grew the slower it became meaning at full strength the fireball was as slow as a tortoise.

Percy had also used his level 2 Skill disk on his Mist control increasing it to Level 3;

Mist Control, Lv-3 (0%)

The user can control the mist to create illusions.

Can be used on- Mortals

Range- 30 meters

· Mist Illusions: You can create illusions that take on the form of that which the effected most loves.

Percy then began to train his Earthquake control, increasing it to level 6, his Smoke form, increasing it to level 4, and finally he spawned his ID create and escape skill increasing it to level 11.

Earthquake control, Lv-6 (20%)

You can cause an Earthquake thought any part of your body.

Attack- 700

Cost 100 MP


Smoke from, Lv- 4 (21%)

Turns the user's body into smoke, colour depends on person.

Cost- 225 MP

Duration- 50 seconds

I'D Create, Lv-11 (15%)

Used to create Instant Dungeons. Higher the level, stronger the dungeon.

Current list-

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