Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

Percy was thrown back by the Goblin King's pure strength. The demigod landed on his feet a few meters away with sweat covering his skin. The weapon the Goblin King had was powerful and scorching hot to the touch. Riptide was still cooling down from the few seconds the two weapons touched.

Percy looked up and saw the Goblin King charged him with his fire spear lowered down. Percy tightened his grip on Riptide cracking the leather and dashed forward meeting the monster half way.

The Goblin swiped his spear towards aiming for Percy's neck. Moments before the blade touched his skin Percy activated his Smoke Form exploding into blue and green smoke. The blade went through him and Percy reformed engaging the Goblin ruler in battler.

Percy struck the spear's metal body deflecting every swipe the Goblin King made. Metal rang on metal as Percy moved slowly into the Goblin King's defence. The vibrations from the clashing weapons suddenly stopped as Percy slipped under on of the spears's wide slashes and aimed a swing at the monster face. Riptide was inches from the monster neck when suddenly a strong blast of wind shoving Percy a good few feet away and ripping Riptide away from his hands.

Percy landed on his back but quickly got back up to see the Goblin King smirk.

"So you're just all talk huh?" the Goblin King commented as he swung his giant fire spear over his head with one hand, "I thought you might have been able to touch me at the very least."

Percy could feel fear creep in but Gamer's mind quickly crushed that, "don't worry Mr. tall, dark and ugly I'm full of surprises."

"Somehow I doubt that very much, shrimp."

"Bite me bitch!" Percy roared as he charged the monster head on. The Goblin King swung the spear towards Percy intending to cleav him in half. Percy jumped over the fiery spear in the last moment, he could feel the flames on his back as he landed inside the monster's defence. Percy cocked back a hand channeling Earthquake energy and body form into the fist;

Body From Activated: Right fist

"Giga burst!" Percy threw his right fist into the Goblin King's stomach causing a shockwave to explode outwards.


A sharp pain followed by numbness took over Percy's hand. The demigod looked up and saw the Goblin King smile down at him, his punch had no effect. He pulled back his arm and jumped away before the Goblin King would react, landing a few feet away and shook his hand.

Defence left- 72,000 Defence

'That thing even took some of my Marble skin defence away!' "What the hell are you made off?!" Percy yelled trying to regain feeling in his fist.

"Pure muscle, brat," the Goblin King grinned at demigod. He patted his chest piece, "it's made out of Galvron, very hard to come by and very hard to create. But if you get one made than it's next to indestructible."

"Nothing is ever indestructible," Percy replied as he finally got back feeling in his arm.

"Next to indestructible," the Goblin King said growling, "the only thing that could destroy his thing is an attack from the god's themselves!"

Percy smiled 'then it's a good thing I'm half god.' Percy charged his fist with his Earthquake control and smashed into the ground breaking it in half.

The Goblin King lost his balance and Percy moved quickly activating the Speed demon perk. He dashed right into the Goblin King's defence and activated his Body Form perk and Earthquake powers in his leg;

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