chapter 32

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Percy was panicking. Not because he was currently in a small metal tube flying through the domain of his least favorite uncle who could kill him at any moment. No, no that was an everyday problem for Percy. What really had him freaking out was the fact that he had forgotten about Grover, again.

"Clam down Percy," Michael said patting him on the back, "I'm sure it's not that bad."

"You don't understand Michael! This is the second time I did this to him!" Percy yelled out as he tried to pull out his own hair, "Grover is so going to kill me!"

"You're over reacting Percy," Nina said trying to calm him down, "besides you aren't the only one, we forgot too."

"I know, but I just feel so bad," Percy lowered his head, "oh my mom is going to kill me."

"Your mom?" Annabeth asked, "what does this have to do with you mom?"

"Last time I left him Grover went and complained to my mom. Needless to say she wasn't happy that I left him in LA without paying the bills."

"Damn," Michael said whistling, "sucks to be you."

Percy lowered his head even further, "I'm so dead."

Annabeth sighed, "relax seaweed brain I'm sure Grover will be fine. Odysseus and the others will take good care of him."

Percy looked up and turned to Annabeth, "you sure?"

The daughter of wisdom nodded, "100%"

With Grover;

Grover found himself being dragged around the sea by a dolphin.

The crew had come across a family of them and began challenging each other to try and ride one. They eventually dragged poor Grover into it going so far as to throw Grover overboard. The youngest dolphin then caught Grover between her teeth and started to swim around causing everyone else to cheer while Grover got one hell of a nasty headache.

'Percy I am so going to get you for this one,' Grover grumbled out accepting his new life as a dolphin's chew toy.


Percy sighed again, "you're right, I'm sure he's fine."

Percy laid back and relaxed. Michael had already gone to sleep while Annabeth took out the in flight magazine and started to read up on the many amazing but useless inventions that were featured in the sky mall. Nina however was looking out the window just watching the sky as the plane flew on, Percy wanted to ask her if everything was alright but he figured she needed some space.

Percy closed his eyes and let his mind wander. This quest had been difficult, it had been filled with giant sea monsters, giant Gergosas and even a giant Titans. Hm, maybe he should call this the giant quest.

Percy recalled the event at the island. That hand that broke out of the chest and grabbed the Fleece, Percy was sure it belonged to Kronos. That meant he was back, Percy felt it heck he was sure the entire world felt it, but maybe he should go and tell the gods what he saw, give them an eyewitness account of the event.

Percy nodded to himself, 'yeah, I'll do that. When I get to camp I'll tell Mr. D, he'll tell the rest.' With that solved Percy's mind started to drift again. He thought about the Ascension and how cool it was that he was now considered an official member of the crew! Wait....does that mean he's partially immortal now?

Percy opened up his status and found that his race was still demigod without it saying he was partially immortal. Percy smiled, 'it would have been pretty cool if I was.'

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