Chapter 16

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Percy looked at Luke's shoes from the corner of his eyes for the fifth time or so. Questions flew around in his head. Did Luke know they were cursed? Did someone curse them? Was someone targeting Luke? If so who? And why?

Percy could only come to two conclusions;

The person who cursed Luke's shoes hated Luke.

The person who cursed Luke's shoes wanted him dead

The person who cursed Luke's shoes did it before he left camp, because they never encountered anyone strong enough in magic to curse a godly artifact like these.

The only person who would want Luke hurt would be the Lightning thief, Luke was on the quest to find the lightning and expose the thief, so it made sense. That or a crazy ex-girlfriend or something.

Percy then spoke up, "hey Luke do you really think it's a good idea to wear those shoes?"

Luke looked up startled, "what do you mean Percy?"

"Well it's just that those things make you fly right? And the air is kind of Zeus's domain. I just don't want you to get zapped or something."

Luke shrugged, "yeah it's cool. I'm the son of Hermes, technically his grandson. He won't really have a problem with me using them. If anything my dad would probably be more pissed off."

Percy nodded, "okay then if you are sure." Percy then spoke about camp and other random topics but all the while his mind was wondering how he should get rid of those damned shoes. He needed them off of Luke before they entered Hades. Maybe he should throw acid on them or something.

Slowly it became late in the afternoon with the sun going down over the horizon. Luke and Grover had recovered from their hangover by drinking a lot of water and a lot of trips to the bathroom.

Grover eventually spoke up, "so when are we going to reach LA?"

"By mid-night or so," Percy replied.

"Good. Nothing can stop us now," Grover said with a victorious smirk.

Percy smacked his head, "you idiot!"

"W-what?" Grover asked sheepishly.

"You don't say shit like that Grover," Luke exclaimed.

"What? Why not?"

"Because you'll jinx it!" Percy yelled out as suddenly the train started to shake a little, "great, just great. I hope your happy Grover."

The Satyr threw his hands up, "I'm sorry!"

Suddenly a woman's scream was heard from the back of the train, "BEAR!" Percy sighed as he got up and walked to the back of the train with Luke and Grover following them.

"What do you think it is?" Grover asked as he took out the blade he got from the forge of Hephaestus.

"Probably not a bear," Luke replied as he took out his sword, "should be just a monster, probably the Mist made her seen a bear instead."

"So it's something big and scary, yes?" Percy asked as he took out Riptide.



Percy and the rest quickly walked to the last compartment from which men and women ran from, "get out of here kids!" Cried out one of the men as he ran out of the room.

"We're good," Percy called out showing Riptide.

"I don't think a baseball bat is going to take care of that thing!" the man yelled.

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