Ch 17

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Seemingly all in one group, we moved swiftly through the buildings entrance.

Thirteen then turned to us, putting they're hands on their hips "My quirk is called black hole! I can suck up anything and turn it Into dust!"
..Can they suck up..a dick? Like does it work with organic things? Can they suck up a whole ass human??
"Woah," Midoriya gasped "So cool!!"
" power can also be used to kill..while yes, we do live in a super-human society, we understand very little about quirks. Please note that even while trying to do something virturtous, like saving someone, if you loose control your quirk could easily be used to hurt people. Thanks to Aizawa's physical training, you have a good idea of your quirks and the potential it holds.."

Wow, installing fear of power into the youth..heh..

"Your powers are not meant to inflict harm. I hope that you leave here today with the understanding that you're meant to help people."
"This facility has 6 sectors! The ruins zone, the landslide zone, the mountain zone, conflagration zone, flood zone, and the downpour zone."

Deza shrugged "that's pretty straight forward."
"Actually I don't know what conflagration means, but ok." I giggled, whispering under my breath, however I know she heard me clearly.
"Dumbass-it means extensive fire."
"The fuck? Why don't they just call it fire or flame then? Wouldn't that sound so cool? Flame zoooone.."
"Why the hell you askin' me?"

She shrugged as Thirteen and Aizawa talked on and on about the rules, what we would be doing, and heroism, da da da dah. Ya'know, boring hero shit.

Gasps and other sounds of surprise made me snap out of my back and I looked up to see the fountain in the middle morphed into a portal.

Aizawa whipped his head around as a pale hand reached out.
"Stay together and don't move! Thirteen, protect the students!"
I was gripping Deza's arm, gripping Nyx's arm as well.
I tried to stay calm and look unbothered but in reality...I was terrified
I was so so scared..
"People don't care about you, or your feelings, you're a black girl in America! You think anyone's gonna care if you're hurt?"
so I decided to not show my fear.

The pale man with a hand on his face crawled his way out, more people following behind.
One being a huge monster with a bird like beak....


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