Chapter 122: Quidditch and the Hogs head

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The morning of the quidditch match the whole team got up early so we could all eat breakfast and then head down to the quidditch pitch

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The morning of the quidditch match the whole team got up early so we could all eat breakfast and then head down to the quidditch pitch. After days of begging from Amanda, I finally relented and agreed to let Olaf go to the game. We had been bringing him out whenever we could to try and cheer up the gloomy atmosphere that was hanging over Hogwarts thanks to Umbridge's constant presence in almost every part of the castle. No one could stay stressed when Olaf was around, especially when he broke out in to impromptu performances of In Summer and When I'm Older.

But I was worried about what Umbridge would do if she ever saw Olaf, I mean she wasn't known to be the most tolerant of people and something told me she wouldn't like the idea of a magical enchanted and unmelting snowman walking around the castle. So, I compromised, I made Olaf into the miniature version of himself and put him in the trusty hands of Zane. That way Olaf could watch the match, which was something he had been asking to do, and Amanda could play her first game happy, knowing that Olaf was watching.

But as the morning post arrived, Olaf was the last thing on my mind. A large tawny barn owl dropped a letter on to my lap and judging from the smell of smoke the was hanging around the envelope, it was from Charlie. I knew he had been busy trying to help get some of the eastern European magical society on to our side but it was a dangerous task. As much as I loved Victor Krum, his former school was shrouded in the dark arts and the last thing I wanted was for Charlie to get caught up in all of that.

I quickly opened the envelope and pulled out the thick parchment that had scorch marks on the edges and prayed that everything was okay with Charlie.

Hey there Stargirl!

I only just got word that you visited my family over summer break for the usual Weasley family madness, if you know what I mean. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to be there to see my favorite little Hufflepuff, especially after everything you and your pretty boy boyfriend have been through (say hi to Cedric for me will you. As much as I like teasing him, he's a good person but even more importantly good for you, my honorary American little sister.)

I just wanted to say how proud I am of you and the work that you have been doing for Newt Scamander during the holidays. Word spread quickly about how you saved that pack of Wampus over summer. I can't explain how happy I was to inform everyone that I knew that girl who saved the Wampus. They may or may not have got the impression that I helped train you...but it can just stay our little secret that you actually trained yourself.

Work with this new group is harder than I thought. They can be rather...stubborn. But don't worry, I'm stay safe. I'm not the type to get burnt twice...or should I say three times. Okay, okay, maybe five or six times.

Take care and I hope to see you soon.

Love from your all-time favorite Weasley,


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