Chapter 89: The First Task

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The night before the first tasks, I swear I was more nervous than Cedric was

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The night before the first tasks, I swear I was more nervous than Cedric was. We had spent the weeks leading up to the task practicing the plan to get him past the dragon without him or the dragon getting hurt. After double checking my research, I found out I was correct about my original thought when Charlie called the dragon 'she'. The reason the dragons were acting out as much as they were was because they were guarding their eggs and their maternal instincts were kicking him.

Once we figured out why the dragons were acting out, I looked in to the four types of dragons. The horntail was by far the most dangerous dragon out of the four. It was highly aggressive and not only did it have deadly sharp spikes on the end of it tail, it had the longest fire breathing range of up to forty-five feet.

The Swedish short snout had the lowest number of human kills, but that was mainly because it chose to live in mountain ranges that were far higher than any human would choose to go to. But it also has the hottest flame of any dragon know. The blue fire of the short snout was so hot that it could turn bones to ash in a matter of seconds.

The Chinese fireball was the biggest of the four dragons, weighing anywhere between two to four tones. It had golden spikes around it face and breathed fire that was the shape of a mushroom. After everything with Ultron and plans with the nucellar code, all I could think was that the flames looked like a nucellar bomb explosions, mushroom cloud.

The last was the Welsh green which was the most docile four dragons. Much like the short snout it lived in mountain ranges but it actively avoided humans rather than seeking the out. There was nothing special or unique about the dragon itself or it's flames. Which meant that it was the dragon I hoped either Cedric or Harry got.

All four dragons ate small animals and considering how Cedric topped transfiguration every year, we both thought it would be the best idea that he used the spell that Professor McGonagall had taught us at the start of the year where you turn a rock into a dog. The fact that it was only a rock and not a real dog made me feel more comfortable with the plan, otherwise I would have stayed up all night, every night until I found another way to get past the dragon.

By the end of the two weeks, Cedric was turning a rock into a Labrador like he had been doing it since the day he was born. But he also had to stop me from smuggling it into the castle, reminding me that no matter how cute it was, it was actually a rock. But I couldn't help it, it was a cute 'rock'.

I had offered to help Harry prepare for the task but he kept telling to focus on working with Cedric because he had Hermione helping him. But that didn't stop me from checking on how he was going Like I was annoying big sister. Harry pretended that he was 'annoyed' at me for checking in on him but the smile told me something completely different.

Eventually at 1am the night before the task, I finally fell asleep. But I wasn't counting on sleeping well that night because I was scared that Skuld of the Nornir would try to mess with my head again and plant images in my mind of Cedric get hurt or even killed in the task. But I refused to let her get the better of me if it was the last thing I did.

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