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Emily P.O.V

I woke up to somebody shaking me.

" what?" I groaned.

" Em it's almost 8 in the morning." My father said. I slowly went back to sleep when I started thinking about the number 8. I jumped out of bed immediately. I looked at the time. It was 7:52. I was going be late. I quickly threw on Corbyns black hoodie and some grey sweatpants. I went and put my black uggs on. I quickly ran into my bathroom and brushed my teeth as I threw my hair in a very messy bun I then sprayed a lot of perfume on almost choking as some of it hit the inside my mouth. I grabbed my black purse and ran downstairs.

" LOVE YOU DAD BYE!" I said speeding out to the driveway as I hear my dad laughing. I have never drove one of my cars to school. And it's way to late to Uber so now I have to take one of these. I got inside my black matte Tesla. I sighed and sped off to school. When I got out my car nobody was outside which meant everybody was inside and probably at there class already. I went running down the hallways not going to my locker and overthinking how ugly I looked since I didn't do my make up.

I opened my class door and walked inside. The bell rang about a second later. The teacher started  walking to the front of the class. Everyone looked at me. I sighed and walked to my seat. I ran my fingers through my hair and then put my head on the desk. I was still tired. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night because of the thunderstorm and Corbyn not being there. Ugh he's the reason I overslept.

" Head up Mrs. Haywood." The teacher said. I sighed and raised my head and put my hand on my face so I can feel somewhat comfortable. Everyone was looking at me. I hated this attention. Some of there looks was already telling me that I look bad today. Like no shit.

After 1st Period

I was walking to my locker when I felt someone hold my hand. I immediately yanked my hand out of theres then turned only to see a confused Corbyn. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I cant blame him for me not waking up. I should blame my dad. He woke me up way to late. No I blame the storm for keeping me up. I could've woken up peacefully this morning. But yet again I blame Corbyn for not being there. I continued to overthink as I walked to my locker. Corbyn leaned on the locker next to mine. He was still confused but more sad. I started putting my stuff away not realizing how much attitude I was putting into it.

" Did I do something wrong?" Corbyn asked. I don't know why but I ignored it.

" Baby what did I do wrong? Is it because I left?" He asked as his voice got softer with more confusion. I looked at him with a angry face. The boys and the  girls except Tate came over.

" Woah guess someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Zach said. How can he be so fucking happy at this time. It's too early for that.

" Em are you-" I slammed my locker giving everybody a fright. I rolled my eyes and walked away. I was way to tired for this.

3rd P.O.V

" She almost came in late today." Gabbie said.

" yea she's probably cranky and possibly angry that she didn't get her Starbucks." Kay said.

" oh." The boys said in sync. Corbyn started walking  away from the group.

" Hey man where you going?" Jack asked.

" going to get Starbucks for my lady so she could talk to me." He said while walking away.

" corbs you cant lea-" Daniel started.

"Yes I can so shut the fuck up."

" dude you cant-" Zach started but only getting flipped off by Corbyn turning to the front door.

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