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Ketsueki smirked and said. " Great, but really we need to treat these wounds. " Y/n sighed and said. " Can't Kurigiri do it? " He shook his head and said. " He will give you this. " He picks up a syringe. " It's filled with the thing that takes your quirk. However, I can create the exact same one with less effect. Or I can just take care of your back and that's the end of it. " Y/n sighed and said. " Fine, but with a few rules. No touching anywhere but my back. No taking my blood. Don't enjoy this. " He nodded and turned around. Y/n stripped off her shirt and bra since it was covering the back. She gasped as she saw how much blood was on the shirt. She laid down on the medical table and used her arms as blocking the side boobs. 

He turned around and placed gloves on. " Beware I am putting numbing spray on it. I need to take out the stitches to do everything properly. " Y/n nodded and he grabbed a spray bottle. He sprayed her back until she couldn't feel anything. He grabbed cleaner, bandages, medical thread, medical needle driver, antibiotics, cloths, and water. He wiped dry her back with the cloth after making sure she couldn't feel anything. 

He glared at the crown and burns on her back. He started to remove the previous stitches and it started to bleed. He applied pressure and finished removing the other stitches. He then cleaned the wound, making sure nothing got into it. He used antibiotics in a syringe to make it seem that he gave her the other one. He then used the needle driver that had a medical thread in it. He then started to suture it properly. Y/n just watched her nails as this was happening. He finished the first line and had to refill the driver. He did this quickly and cleaned the other line once again. He then began to work again. He finished making sure not to double suture it together. He pours some water on a different cloth and cleaned the stray blood. 

He sighed and said. " I have to bandage you, so please sit up. " Y/n blushed and he sighed. He turned around and she sat up facing the wall. He turned around and wiped the area once again. He started to wrap it with the bandages from her back to her stomach. Y/n noticed it would have to go over her breasts and she helped him with that part. Now she was fully wrapped and he handed her the t-shirt. " You shouldn't wear a bra because it will apply unnecessary pressure on the wound. You shouldn't move a lot and to make sure of that, you are not allowed out of my sight. " Y/n then looked down and asked. " Can you call Toga in here? " He raised an eyebrow and sighed. " Fine..." He squirts out the syringe into the plant. He walked outside the door and not even a few minutes later Toga busted in. 

" Are you okay?! " Y/n smiled and said. " Yeah, but I can't access my quirk. " Toga smiled and said. " Yeah, but it for your safety! How did the um.." Y/n could tell Toga felt guilty. " It went great, but do you the stick on bras? I'm not allowed to wear my normal ones. " Toga smiled and looked at the t-shirt. " Of course! I'll go get it cutie! " She walked out and Ketsueki sighed. " Really? That's what that's about? The bandages cover it. " Y/n rolled her eyes and said. " So? I still need to wear one because there are more guys than girls here. " Ketsueki nodded and said. " Yeah, it seems like you got the attention of Aoi and Dabi. " He clenched his fists and Y/n rolled her eyes. " Again. Not interested. I'm with my boyfriend. " He nodded and Toga busted in once again. " Here it is! You're so lucky I know your size! " Y/n raised an eyebrow and made eye contact with Ketsueki. He shrugged and walked out. He closed the door and stood behind it. 

Y/n took off her t-shirt and Toga handed her the bra. " You look so cute! Covered in bandages with the smallest of blood seeming out..." Y/n rolled her eyes and made sure it would hold. She put her t-shirt on and jumped off of the table. " There we go! " Toga tied her hair up and frowned. " Be more careful! As much as I love the sight of your blood, it can hurt you badly. " Y/n's eyes widen and she smiled softly. " Okay...Sorry for worrying you. " Toga was about to hug Y/n but stopped. She then walked out of the room. Y/n was confused but walked out and Ketsueki said. " Done? Now, we have two options. Go to your room or go out there. " He points to the living area where everyone was at. 

Y/n sighed and said. " I need to tell Kiri that I'm okay..." Ketuseki sighed and nodded. He followed her as she walked out. She smiled and sat farthest away from Aoi and Shigiarki. " Hey, Kiri! " He turned to her with a gentle smile. " I see you're up and running, shouldn't you be in bed? " She rolled her eyes and said, " No, I'm fine. Can I have water? " He turned around and took some ice into a cup. Y/n watched carefully as he poured the drink as if he was trying to hide something. Y/n smiled as he handed her the drink. She brought it up to her lips and sniffed it. She quickly put it down and noticed it was slightly cloudy. " Wow, didn't think you'll go that far.  " Kurigiri's eyes widen and she smirked. " Drink the drink yourself. " He made eye contact with Shigiarki and dumped the drink out. " I knew it. You were about to drug me. " Everyone went quiet. Y/n narrowed her eyes and said. " Move. " Kurigiri saw her get up and she grabbed his arm. She dragged him from behind the counter and looked around. 

She grabbed the ice and let go of it.  There was the drug. She showed her now white fingers. " Really? Geez. " She washed her hand and she watched the Shigiarkis have a pissed expression on their faces. " Nice try. " She exited the bar and sat beside Touya on the couch. " Why did they want to drug me? " Touya shrugged. " No idea. "  Y/n stood up and narrowed her eyes. " I hate liars. " Touya's eyes widen as she walked off. Ketuseki followed close behind and Y/n muttered. " Let's blow this popsicle stand. " He smirked and they entered her room. She locked the door and flopped onto her bed. Time to come up with a plan. 

💙= Do not drug anyone and know the signs. I recommend research on the topic. You usually can not tell that the drug is in your drink. Stay safe. Do not use the medical things in this book because I am not a doctor, nurse, or studying medicine to become one. 

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