💚Telling Izuku the truth💚

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Izuku was concerned, ' How did Y/n know the villains? Why do they seem so attached to her? Did something happen before she knew Izuku? Why does she seem to be like Kacchan then like an angel? Was it her Mom? Why did she hate being called a Princess? Doesn't every little girl want to be a princess? How did she learn how to fight? ' Izuku hasn't started her training. It wasn't him who taught her, so who did? Y/n was in her room, she was grounded for bringing the boys to villains. 

Izuku looked at Y/n's door and sighed. ' What am I going to do? There's so much I don't know about her...Am I a bad father? I don't know where she was even raised at! Was she raised with villains? Is she a villain?' Izuku's eyes widen as he came to that conclusion. Izuku looked at Y/n's door and looked down. ' Was her mother a villain? Or did she find the villains alone? Is the note even real or even recent? ' Izuku went to the kitchen and began to cook. 

Y/n glared at the floor, why was she in trouble?! They didn't even have a scratch on them! She looked at the window and sighed. She wanted to jump out but she didn't want to go see Ketsueki or Toga. She just wasn't in the mood for that. Why? She looked around and noticed this apartment is very old. Y/n got off her bed and dug through her draws. She brought out a necklace, the necklace Dabi gave her before she went searching for Izuku. 

He said it would bring her good luck, he didn't steal them either! He gave her a green while he had the blue one

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He said it would bring her good luck, he didn't steal them either! He gave her a green while he had the blue one. She smiled and put it on. She was afraid Izuku would question it but she couldn't care less now. Y/n smiled softly and looked out the window. She could leave, maybe go to a park. ' No, that would freak Daddy out...' Y/n used to never care what others thought about her but she felt like she needed to prove herself to Izuku. 

Izuku finished cooking it was f/f. He knocked on her door and Y/n answered it. " Let's go eat. " Y/n's eyes widen, he didn't smile or even had a happy tone...He must be very upset with her. She followed silently and Izuku stopped. " We need to talk before we eat. " Y/n nodded and Izuku sat down on the couch. Y/n sat on the chair and Izuku got straight to the point.

" How do you know those villains? " Y/n's eyes widen and she looked down. " They took care of me..." Izuku's eyes widen and asked. " What do you mean? " His eyes landed on the necklace on her neck. " What is that necklace about? Did you steal it? " Y/n's eyes had a look of disbeilf.  He thought she was a villain. She glared. " No. It was a present. " Izuku nodded and asked. " From who?! " Y/n blankly stared and said. " Why does it matter?! Can't trust me anymore? " Izuku nodded and said. " Yes, I should have never trusted you so easily in the first place. " 

Y/n's eyes brimmed with tears and said. " Is that why you hit it and quit it with M/n?! " Izuku's eyes widen, how did she know about that term? " W-We agreed for it to be a one-time thing! " Y/n nodded and said. " Maybe your pull-out game shouldn't be so weak then. " Izuku's eyes twisted with anger. " DID YOU RAN AWAY?! " Y/n's eyes widen in anger and yelled back. " NO!  THE BITCH FUCKING LEFT ME. YOU WOULDN'T KNOW SHIT BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T CARE ENOUGH TO ASK. "

Izuku glared and yelled back. " I WANTED TO RESPECT YOUR PRIVACY! " Y/n looked away and said. " I don't care if you want to know, fine. " Izuku's eyes widen and Y/n started to talk. 

" I was around three at the time, M/n she left. She was meeting a man before and suddenly she left. She used to call me Princess, and the reason why was because I always needed help. All I had left was the note and twenty dollars. The house was an old one and had almost no food in it. I spent the money on food and after two weeks it was gone. I was forced out on the streets. Forced to steal for living, rough life for a three-year-old huh? I was hiding from a man I just stole from in an alleyway. Suddenly a voice spoke up. ' Hello, little girl why are you stealing? ' I looked to see a misty man and I glared. ' Why do you care? ' Misty man nodded. ' A young girl shouldn't steal. Where're your parents?'

 I looked down and said, ' M/n left me and my Dad I never met. ' The misty man nodded and said. ' My name is Kirigiri and I can give you a temporary home until you find your dad. ' I smiled and followed him. I had nothing to lose, life wasn't worth living at that point and time. He introduced me to everyone, they were all nice. Soon after I turned four my quirk appeared they figured out who my dad was. Ms.Toga was already obsessed with me so was her son. She was over the moon when she found out I was your love child. 

When I turned five I went searching for you. Dabi, Touya's son gave me this he has a matching blue one. He bought it with money and didn't steal it. I started to search for you and after a few days, I found you. That's my story, my truth and I'm leaving now. " 

Y/n ran into her room and Izuku looked at the ground. " I called her a villain...she isn't a villain. I yelled at her and invaded her privacy. Hell, the villains were better parents than I am. " Izuku looked at the food that wasn't eaten and sighed. 

Y/n packed an overnight bag and jumped out the window. She didn't want to be near Izuku right now. She'll stay the night with the villains. At least they don't judge her for what she did. She went inside the hideout and Touya's eyes widen. " Why are you back here, Kiddo? " Y/n looked down and said. " Da-Izuku knows the truth now. He got mad at me and I got mad at him. " Touya nodded and he smiled. " You can stay the night, we can even teach him a lesson. " Y/n smiled and shook her head. " Thanks though..." Touya watched as she went inside her room. " Dabi, go see if she's okay. She opens up to you the most. " Dabi nodded and went inside the room. 

Izuku knocked on Y/n's door, but no answer. He sighed and said. " I'm sorry...I didn't mean to get upset and call you a villain. Please, open the door. " No reply not even a noise. " Y/n...Sweet Heart, I didn't mean it. Please, just open the door... Y/n?" That got Izuku considered and he opened the door. Empty no trace of her. The only sign that she left was a bag was missing and some clothes. Izuku fell to his knees, his daughter left him just like Uraraka left him. Where is she? Izuku cried and punched the floor. Izuku's eyes widen as he realized she ran to the villains. Hopefully, she'll come back tomorrow or he'll go get her. 

Dabi opened the door and saw the green necklace around her neck. " Hey, are you okay? Do I need to set someone on fire? " Y/n shook her head and said. " Izuku got mad and called me a villain. I then told him how I got here and how I found him. H-He was so angry at me...even before we talked. He just assumed I was a villain and I was lying to him. "Dabi's fist clenched with anger. 

" You're not a villain, and he's an idiot. " Y/n nodded but still had the sad look on her face. Dabi sighed and climbed into her bed. He hugged her and said. " You're not a villain. You're a hero. " Y/n started to cry and said. " H-He also said that I was a thief and that he shouldn't have trusted me...'' Dabi hugged her tighter as she cried in his arms. Deku will pay either it's now or later. He shouldn't have called her a villain and made her cry. 


Touya walked into the room to see Dabi and Y/n cuddling. Dabi was holding her close and Y/n had tearstains on her cheeks. Touya saw Dabi's hands were clenched a bit. So he fell asleep angry. Touya placed the blanket over them and saw the matching necklaces. He smiled, Dabi begged him to buy them not steal them. Touya turned off the lights and closed the door. Deku just made a group mad that he shouldn't have made mad. Just wait, you'll pay for what you have done. 

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