💖11k special💖12K Special ( almost there so why not)💖

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Y/n, Akari, Rai, Emiko, Akane, Akio, Hisoki, and Katsuo was walking around the beach. The girls were in matching swimsuits. Ring bikinis in their favorite colors. They also had cover-ups and Akane smirked. " Y/n~ come here. '' Y/n stopped. The boys watched as Akane approached Y/n. " Come here. " Emiko got the idea and walked towards Y/n. " Yeah! We just want a hug. " Y/n took a step back and took off. The girls ran after her. " YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO USE YOUR QUIRK! " Y/n smirked and yelled back. " I'M NOT! " Akane's eyes sparkled. " That's so cool! " 

Y/n ran towards the boys and Katsuo got the idea the girls did. He opened his arms and Y/n shook her head. She wasn't stupid. " Hell no. " The boys formed a line and Y/n had only two options. One, let them catch her. Two, run to the guys on the beach. Y/n turned towards the guys who were playing volley-ball. The girl's eyes widen and they chased her even faster. Katsuo's eyes had a fire in them now. Hisoki started to chase her and Katsuo joined them. 

Y/n hide behind the tallest boy and asked." Please hide me! " The brown-haired boy nodded and looked to see seven people running towards them. Luckily there were nine guys now forming a wall. Well, after they looked at her. Katsuo then yelled.'' There is no escape! Now get your fucking ass over here. " Y/n then was hosting onto the tallest guy's shoulder. " No. " Akane then said. " I don't know how to feel... This is so manly and unmanly at the same time..." Emiko sat down and Hisoki picked her up. " Just let them throw you in the ocean. " Y/n looked at them like they're stupid. The guys that were protecting her looked at her. " I have an electricity quirk, are you stupid? " The guys then nodded. 

Emiko then paused. She didn't think of that. She then bowed. " Sorry. " The guys lightly pushed her to Y/n and the second tallest put her on his shoulders. Y/n high-fived Emiko and stuck her tongue out at the rest of the group. Akari then said. " Wait, I can't go inside of the ocean either... Rai, you can't too. Then the twins joined the No ocean team. The third tallest picked up Akari and Rai joined the wall. 

Hisoki walked over and said. " My sister, give me her. " The second tallest guy was as tall as Hisoki and handed Emiko to him. Suddenly Akio threw her into the ocean. " Noooo! Emikooooo." Y/n glared at the smirking Akio. She then zapped him and he rubbed his arm. " Hey! No using quirks..." y/n pouted and said. " I know, but that's gone now. " Y/n got down and ran towards the now soaking wet Emiko. Katsuo was the first one to chase her. 

Emiko dried herself off before Y/n picked her up. Using her quirk she ran back to the wall. The guys were amused and she put Emiko on the tallest guy's shoulders. The second tallest grabbed Y/n.  Katsuo was now pissed. His quirk leaked out from his fingertips and Y/n sweatdropped. " You do know you can't go in the water too? It makes your quirk useless. " Katsuo grabbed Y/n and then ran at the ocean. " NO! STOP! BABE NOO!!!! " Hisoki glared and threw Akane in the ocean. Akio threw Emiko and Akari threw Rai. 

The wall went away and they went back to playing volleyball. The boys ran into the water and Akari put on her quirk-canceling gloves. Y/n screamed as she hit the water, She was up to her chest in ocean water. Katsuo laughs but then Y/n kicked his leg from under him. Y/n laughed at then Hisoki threw her towards Emiko. Emiko caught Y/n but ended up going underwater herself. She then stood up and Y/n grabbed her. " Emiko. You are my favorite. " Akari then gasped and suddenly it was not all fun and games. 

" Chicken fight. Emiko and Y/n vs Akane and I! " Y/n placed Emiko on her shoulders and Akari were on Akane's. Rai then yelled. " Go! " Akari pushed Emiko who grabbed onto Akari'd shoulders. Hisoki sighed while Katsuo screamed. " BEAT THEIR ASSES! " Y/n decided to help her partner and pushed Akane. Akari lost balance but grabbed Akane's hair keeping herself up. " Ow..." Akane then pushed back against Y/n. Her quirk was useless but Y/n's strength was not. She used .1% and knocked them over. Emiko fell into Y/n's arms and the two girls fell into the water. Akari came up first and glared. Akane whined and Akio smirked. " That's so manly! " Katsuo wrapped his arm around Y/n and Emiko hugged her neck. 

Katsuo glared as Emiko rested her face above Y/n's boobs. Suddenly a sneezing sound was heard. Rai was about to sneeze. Everyone bolted from the ocean Y/n carried Emiko, Akane, Akari to the shore. They collapsed onto the sand and the boys were in trouble. Rai let his sneeze rip. Everywhere there was lighting and the guys from before said. " Is that why you were trying to stay away? " Y/n nodded and Katsuo fell on top of her. His hair was even more frizzy but he landed on something soft. Y/n's breasts. Hisoki landed on his face in the sand. Akio was okay because of his quirk. Rai chuckled nervously looking around to see everyone that didn't know him was now shocked. 

Y/n was too tired to push Katsuo off and Emiko kicked him off for her. " We should go before we get in trouble. " The girls nodded and took off. Katsuo was running with them; no one knows what happened to the rest of them. 

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