💚What happened between Izuku and her. 💚

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Izuku sighed and looked at the calendar. It was the day Uraraka broke up with him. He never really knew why, but he knew this. She was cheating on him. In fact, he caught her himself. 

Flashback Izuku's POV

I was smiling, it was the fifth anniversary since Ochcoco and I started to date! I need to go to the store, maybe I should propose soon! Ochoco has been acting strangely, but it's not something I should worry about! I walked into the store and grabbed a basket. I need chocolates, stuff animals and cards. I walked through the isles and stopped.

 I saw a heart-shaped chocolate box. I walked over and grabbed it 45 chocolates inside. I smiled and placed it inside of the basket. I should get some more candy just in case she doesn't want to eat the chocolates. I walked down the isles and grabbed a mixed candy bag. I placed it inside and walked down the stuffed animal lane. I grabbed a green bunny holding a pink heart saying ' I love you, my little bunny! '. I placed it inside and walked down the isles. Wait, I should give her a necklace too! I stopped at the jewelry section and grabbed a golden heart with diamonds on it. 

I checked out and went inside my car. I wrapped them neatly and smiled. She's going to be so happy! I wonder what she got me...Hopefully, she didn't forget. I started to drive when I saw a bakery. I parked and walked in. It wouldn't hurt to get a cake, Ochoco loves cakes! I picked out a heart-shaped caked with pink frosting. I smiled and went back to my car. Now it's time to go to Ochcoco! 

I smiled as I drove down the road. She's going to be so happy! It's not Valentine's day, just in case your wondering. I pulled up to see another car. I looked at it and thought. Maybe it's a plumber or fixes guy. 

I walked to the door to hear noises. My face paled, she only made that noises with me. Who's in there? Please, please don't let me be right! I unlocked the door and the noise got louder. Tears build up in my eyes as I got closer to our room. No. No. I heard Ochoco and someone panting. I opened the door to see Ochcoco doing it with someone else. I dropped the cake and bags. My hands flew over my mouth as tears streamed down my face. They stopped and Ochoco noticed me. " I-Izuku! I-It's not what it looks like! " I looked down and asked. " Why? Am I not good enough? Did I not treat you right? Why did you cheat?! WHY DO YOU HAVE A DICK IN YOU?! " Ochcoco sat up and moved.

 She tried to call out but I covered my eyes with my bangs. " I'm leaving. It's over. You can keep the house. I don't want it now you did that. " I picked up the necklace and bunny then left. I dropped them at the store and got my money back. I called up Kachan and he answered. 

" What the hell do you want nerd?! " I sniffled and said with my voice creaking. " C-Can I come over? " Bakugo sighed and said. " Sure, I'm alone, and somethings fucking wrong. Isn't your anniversary with round cheeks? " Tears flew down my face and my voice croaked. " I'll tell you when I get there. " Bakugo nodded and said. " Bye, nerd. " Izuku hung up and made the car drive itself to Kacchan's. 

I knocked on the door and Kacchan opened it. His eyes widen and he rushed me inside. " Why the fuck are you crying?! " I explained what happened and Bakugo's eyes widen in anger. " So round cheeks is a goddamn whore, and you're now living in your backup apartment?! " I nodded and Bakugo ran his hand through his hair. " I knew something was wrong with that bitch. " I looked down and continued to cry. " How about we go to a bar? " I always get drunk easily. Kachan didn't take no for an answer. " You can hook up with some chick and drink the feelings away. " I knew I shouldn't but I did it anyway. 

End of flashback 

Izuku punched the wall but then smiled. If Ochoco didn't cheat then the most valuable thing in his life wouldn't exist. Something good came out of it, Y/n came out of it. Izuku wouldn't change a thing. Izuku walked inside of Y/n's room and woke her up. " Y/n want to eat ice cream and watch movies? " Y/n smiled and pulled Izuku inside of the bed. " Sleepy. " Izuku chuckled and cuddled his child. Izuku was for sure happy with his life. Izuku combed through Y/n's hair with a smile. Izuku hoped for one thing if she ever has a boyfriend or girlfriend that they won't leave or cheat on her. Y/n smiled and mumbled in her sleep. " I love you, Daddy. " Izuku smiled and said, " I love you too, Sweetheart. " 

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