💚Alice in Wonderland💚

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Y/n couldn't make eye contact with Katsuo without blushing on the cheeks. The teacher sighed. " Today we are doing a play. Alice in wonderland. No one can choose who they want. It's on the board and it was picked randomly." Hisoki looked at Y/n and said. " I'm the king and you're the queen of hearts. " Y/n smiled and nodded. " You have all day to learn your lines now go outside. "

Everyone went outside and Kohana followed Y/n and Hisoki. Hisoki turned around and asked. " Why are you following us? " Kohana scoffed. " I am your sidekick and we have to learn lines. " Y/n got behind him and yelled," OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!!" Kohana jumped and Hisoki chuckled. " She has her lines down. Now I wonder how Bakugo is fairing with being Alice? " 

Y/n thought for a moment and asked. " How do we act like villains?" Hisoki stopped for a moment then Kohana rolled his eyes. " What you want us to go meet real villains? " Y/n's eyes darken but her smile remained the same. " That's an amazing idea. Emiko! " Emiko came to her and her role as a white rabbit. " Yes, your highness? " Y/n smiled and said. " If the teacher asks where we are, don't tell her but stall her. " Emiko smiled and nodded. 

Hisoki rose an eyebrow as Y/n walked to the fence. " Wait, are we doing it? " Y/n nodded and started to climb the fence. " Of course, grab him before he tells. " hisoki looked over at the sneaking away Kohana and sighed. " Fine. " Hisoki knew he had a soft spot for her but carried the struggling Kohana over the fence. 

" Where do we go now? " Kohana asked behind on his feet again." I know a place where villains hang out. They won't hurt us through. " Hisoki looked at her and asked. " How do you know they won't? " Y/n smiled and said. " I used to live there before going to find Daddy. " Hisoki nodded and Kohana was about to run back to school. Y/n stopped and got a dark look on her face. 

" Either you stop trying to be a snitch or we will use you as a trade to a different villain group. " Hisoki smirked as Kohana stopped and walked along with them. Y/n walked into an alleyway and the boys followed behind. Hisoki lit the way and Kohana asked. " Wasn't your grampa number one hero? Isn't your dad number one hero now? " Y/n looked over her shoulder and said. " So? My mother is a villain. " Hisoki nodded. " My uncle's a villain. " Kohana paled and whispered. " I'm stuck with two insane villain kids to meet villains, for a play. " 

Y/n stopped at an old bar and knocked. " Let me in, fucker. " Hisoki nearly choked, Y/n just cussed. Kohana was about to run when Y/n glared at him. The door opened to reveal a misty figure. " Oh, Ms. Y/n and you brought friends. I thought you went to find Izuku? " Y/n nodded and dragged Kohana in by the shirt. " I did, but these two need to learn how to be a villain for a play. " 

Before the misty man could answer a squeal was heard. " Y/N!" Y/n's eyes widen and she pushed Kohana to the floor then jumped behind Hisoki. A blonde lady fell to the floor. " Y/n!!! You're so mean! I just want a hug!!" Hisoki looked at the creeped-out Y/n and got fire in his hands. " I don't want to hug a vampire wannabe. " A chuckled was heard and Y/n turned to see Touya. " Oh, hey scarface. " He stepped out and picked her up. " Hey, twerp. " Y/n sat on his shoulder and Hisoki sighed. " Hey, uncle Touya. " 

Touya looked at Hisoki and sighed. " Hey, Hisoki. " A small boy whined and tried to get Y/n. " N/n!! You're back~ " Y/n clung to Touya and glared." Get away from me Ketsueki! " He tried to climb on Touya's leg when the blue fire was shot at him. " Sweetheart said no, and what she says goes. " She groaned and said. " I told I told you not to call me that, Dabi. " Hisoki grabbed Kohana once again then created a child leash. " Why didn't you do that in the first place? " Hisoki shrugged and placed it on him. 

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