💚First Valentine Day 💚

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Izuku did not want Y/n out of the house. He wasn't going to let her out of the house. It was the day every father dreads. Valentine's day. Izuku grabbed Y/n and said. " No school today, " Y/n tilted her head and asked. " Why? Did I get in trouble again? " Izuku shook his head and said. " No, but. " He was cut off by the doorbell ringing. Izuku closed Y/n's door and ran downstairs. 

He opened the door to reveal a tired Shoto with Emiko. " We are having a playdate. All-day." Normally Shoto would talk sense into Izuku, but this he agrees with. Izuku nodded and shut the door. No-one would leave this house. They went to Y/n's room to see, she left this house. Shoto snickered and pointed to the window. " She did the window trick again. " Izuku's eyes widen and he jumped out the window. " SHE WILL NOT HAVE A LOVE LIFE THIS YOUNG! " Shoto watched as he jumped over the fence running. " This is why we stay with Midoryias. They are amazing. Now set HIsoki's chocolates on her bed with the note he wrote. " Emiko did what she was told and left with Shoto. 

Y/n ran inside of the hide-out and ran to Touya. " Hide me! " Touya picked her up and placed her in a high cabinet. " Why are you hiding? " Y/n pointed to the door and said. " Dad's gone insane. " Touya nodded and Aoi laughed. " Was the princess locked up in her tower?" Y/n nodded. " Yes, and I jumped out the window, again. " Aoi went silent and Dabi laughed at him. " The Sweetheart having a rough day? " Y/n zapped his feet and zapped Aoi. " Why did you hit me and not him?" She zapped him again.

 The door opened and Touya closed the cabinet. " WHERE'S MY BABY!?" Touya looked at Deku as he scans the kids. " Where is she...." Touya watched in amusement as he searches all around the base. " She isn't here. " Toga pounced at Izuku but he left in a flash. Ketsueki closed the door and Touya opened the cabinet back up. " It's safe now. " Y/n climbs onto Touya's shoulders and asked. " What now? " Dabi looked at her and said. " We can rob a store? " Y/n threw a rock at him and said. " No." Touya laughed as a red mark appeared where the rock landed. Touya looked at her and asked. " WHat got the hero so worked up? " She yawned and said. " Something about Valentine's day. " Touya chuckled and said. " So he doesn't want you to get chocolates. " Y/n shrugged and played with his white hair. He stopped dying a few months ago. 

Y/n hopped down and walked out. "I'm leaving now! Bye! " She walked out not realizing three people put things inside of her backpack. She walked into the school and sat down next to Emiko. " Did Dad give up yet?"  Emiko giggled and Katsuo glared. " What the fuck are you two talking about?! " Y/n turned to him and said. " Since it's Valentine's day my dad locked me up. I jumped out a window. " Katsuo's eyes widen and he said. " Your bedroom is on the second floor. " Hisoki looked at Emiko and she winked. Akio smiled. " That's so manly! " Y/n gave up trying to correct the Kirishima's. Akane wrapped her arm around Y/n and said. " That's my bestie! "

Y/n smiled as the bell rang for recess. They all walked out but two people placed things in her bag at different times. Y/n ran around playing with the girls as the boys watch. " Do you think she knows that boys put stuff in her bag? " Rai asked and Akio shook his head. " Nope! Katsuo made sure she didn't! " Rai nodded and Hisoki rolled his eyes. " Why didn't you put things in her bag, I thought you liked her. " Rai questioned Hisoki. " I put mine on her bed. Well, my sister did it for me. "Rai nodded as he watched Akari trip. Y/n helped her up and avoided them getting tagged by Akane. 

Katsuo walked over to the boys and said. " Why the fuck are we not playing with them? " Akio wrapped his arm around Katsuo and said. " Because we were talking about the girls.  " Katsuo nodded and said. " I hope you retards know that her Dad won't let anyone near her. " They all nodded and said. " Did you see Kohana put something in Y/n's bag? " Rai nodded and said. " I was surprised. I didn't think he was capable of liking someone. Much less Y/n. " Katsuo gritted his teeth and glared. " It doesn't matter. I don't think she likes anyone like that. " The boys nodded and said. " True, she's dense when it comes to this. " Izuku grabbed Y/n and said. " It's time to go home. " he walked inside ignoring the squirming Y/n and grabbed her bag. 

Izuku got home and gave her a basket with a bear, candy, and a necklace. " Now get to your room. I put locks on the window now. " Y/n groaned went inside her room. Her eyes widen at the basket on her bed. It said. ' - From Hisoki' that's all. She smiled and opened her bag. Her eyes widen at how many things were in there. Five baggies of candy and two stuff animals. Everyone with a note. Dabi, Aoi, Ketsueki, Katsuo, and Kohanna. She sighed but candy is candy. They just gave it to her because they are friends. 

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