💚Hero Sport Festival💚

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Y/n bounced her in place slightly. Her nerves were getting up, it was the day of the sports festival. The biggest event of the year, it promotes U.A and lets heroes scout sidekicks. Only one hero she wants to impress and that's All Might. Sure, he may not have his power but he can teach her a lot. She hopes he teaches her.

 Hisoki watched her and wrapped his arm around her. " Stop bouncing, Mineta's staring. '' The only reason the girls tolerate him as much as they do is because of his looks. Even then they only ignore him instead of slapping him. Well, depends on what he did. Y/n nodded and grabbed Hisoki's hand playing with his fingers. Hisoki smiled slightly and pulled her closer to him, away from Mineta. 

Katsuo gritted his teeth, Hisoki is always stealing his spotlight. He wanted her attention... stupid jealousy. Katsuo looked at Akio to see him blabbing about the festival. Akane was with them, well at least the group started to hang out with him more. It's a step up at least now he has to figure out how to get Y/n's attention. Katsuo wants to fight Hisoki during the festival, beat his ass, and show Y/n how much better he is than him. 

Emiko, Akari, Hanami and Sora Kota was talking about ships. Shima and Sakura didn't want to talk to them, they hate Y/n. Well, Shima hates her but Sakura just thinks that Shima needs a friend. " I really want Y/n and Hisoki to get together! I mean, look at them. Isn't it so cute!! " Emiko smiled and fawned over them. She wants Y/n to be her sister-in-law. Akane look at Katsuo and rubbed her neck. 

" I don't know, I mean Katsuo and Y/n are pretty manly. I mean look! People shipped Mr. Bakugo and Mr.Midoryia, why not ship their kids? " Akari then thought for a moment. " How about that Dabi guy? Isn't it so romantic?! A hero and a villain, forbidden love. Kinda like Romeo and Juliette! Well, except for the dying.."

 Sora smiled and said. " She is very popular with the guys, huh? I kinda like Hisoki and Y/n too...." Sora had a crush on Katsuo but kept it to herself. " How about this, Sora and Emiko bets on Hisoki. Akane bets on Katsuo and I'll bet on Dabi. Whoever wins gets..." Emiko's eyes sparkled and said. " How about dressing as a cat and singing the Boom, Boom, Boom I want you in my room song? " The girls shook on it and then signed a paper. 

Y/n saw this and nudged Hisoki. " What are they doing? " Hisoki looked over and said. " I don't know, but we are about to go on. " Y/n nodded and took a deep breath. Shinso looked over the students and sighed. Is there nothing better to do than ship Y/n? She's a problem child, just not as much as her Dad. Shinso then cleared his throat caught the teen's attention. " We're on. " With that everyone followed. Their hero futures depend on this festival. No one will back down. 

Y/n walked in-between Emiko and Hisoki taking in deep breaths. " HELLO, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. IT'S THE TIME YOU ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! THE U.A SPORTS FESTIVALLLLL!!! " Present Mic yelled and the crowd went wild. "  OUR FIRST CLASS IS THE AMAZING, HERO COURSE. THEY SURVIVED A VILLAIN ATTACK AND THEY ARE CHILDREN OF HEROES. CLASS 1-AAAAAA!! '' Y/n went smaller as she walked with them. Both Emiko and Hisoki were taller so they hide her pretty well. Y/n grabbed Emiko's and Hisoki's hands trying to calm her down. " That's a lot of attention... " Hisoki nodded and Emiko smiled. " Of course! We are the U.A's freshman pride! " 

" THE NEXT CLASS IS FULL OF FUTURE HEROES ASWELL. THE CLASS 1-B! " Akane sighed. " That's so unmanly, he is playing favorites again..." Akio nodded and wrapped his arm around Katsuo. Sora watched with a blush on her face, she could impress Katsuo! Kohana locked eyes with Y/n and she smirked. Kohana's eyes widen as she flipped him the bird. Hisoki rose an eyebrow then looked at Kohana nodding. " You may get caught. " Y/n stopped and slipped her hand back in Emiko's.

Present Mic finished with the announcing and then yelled. "  THIS FESTIVAL FIRST CHALLENGE IS A RACE. YOU MUST CROSS, SWIM AND SURVIVE THIS RACE. THIS WILL NOT KILL ANYONE, WE DO HAVE HEROES ON STAND BY IF SOMEONE DROWNS OR FALLS. INTRODUCING, THE OLD TOP THIRD HERO HAWKS! THE RETIRED HERO, KILLER ORCA IS ON SWIMMING DUTY! SO DON'T FRET YOUNG LISTENERS!! NOW 1. 2. 3. GOOO!!! '' Y/n run towards the entrance and smirked. She used one for all and jumped on top of people. Emiko was bringing carried by her fire animals and grabbed Y/n. Hisoki made a pole and flew past. Akane shot acid and Katsuo blasted his way to the top. 

Emiko set her down and Y/n smiled. " Thanks! " Y/n ran off and jumped over the pool. She jumped on top of a kids' head making sure not to injure him.  She ran to the next race and smiled. She will win this! She used super-speed and ran towards the maze. She was in the lead and jumped on top of the maze. She ran across, jumped most of the time to the end. Robots shot at her making her fall inside. Arrows launched at her and she jumped back up. She shot the robots and ran towards the final race. It was a swamp. Y/n smiled and grabbed a piece of metal. She ran and launched herself into the swamp. Ignoring the alligators she used her speed to stay on top of the water. Running on it like she was Naruto. 

She crossed the finish line to see Katsuo wrestling Hisoki in the swamp. Y/n winced as Katsuo was dunked. Hisoki ran out and towards Y/n. Suddenly Mic's voice was heard. "  IN FIRST PLACE IS Y/N MIDORYIA! IN SECOND PLACE, IS EMIKO TODOROKI, IN THIRD PLACE, IS AKANE KIRISHIMA, IN FOURTH PLACE, IS AKARI KAMINARI, IN FOURTH PLACE, TIED IS RAI KAMINARI. " Katsuo grabbed Hisoki's ankle and Hisoki lit himself on fire. His shirt got burned off showing his muscular chest and arms. Girls squealed and Y/n blushed. Katsuo suddenly let loose a giant explosion, tearing his shirt in half and burning Hisoki. Both teen's abs were on live TV. Hisoki placed himself in a cannon and shot right past Katsuo and onto Y/n. 

Once again Katsuo couldn't get a break. It made his blood boil, he wants to defeat Hisoki so badly now. Katsuo kicked Hisoki off of Y/n and she pushed both of them away. Hawks flew by and poured water onto the two teens. " That's not how you treat a beautiful lady. " Hawks winked at Y/n and she rolled her eyes. All suddenly Mic's voice was heard again. "  IN FITH PLACE, IS HISOKI TODOROKI, IN SIXTH PLACE, IS KATSUO BAKUGO, IN SEVENTH PLACE IS KOHANA MONOMA, IN EIGTH PLACE, IS KEARU TOKOYAMI. " Y/n laughed at the teens and grabbed Emiko's hand. 

Kohana smirked and walked to the drenched teens. " Did someone put out your fire and chances with her?! ha! 1-A sucks! " Y/n shock him and he gritted his teeth. He knew she didn't hear him so why to shock him?! Stupid Midoryia. 

Little did everyone know that certain villains were watching the festival. They were mad, to say the least. 

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