Every 6 years we try to send more people down to earth. The people who went with you guys were the ones we had hope for the most. All of you have a purpose. There are reasons why all of you are down there, but you two? Well You two are down there cause we knew you guys were gonna make the perfect team and leaders, and since you guys are reading this then our thoughts were right.

    If you guys are still here I have a mission for you guys, Well actually I have more then one.

First one-
I need you guys to Find the rockets and radio that can contact us. We have hidden it somewheres in the ship. I had Planned the rockets to be hidden In a hidden cubby under the closet that had everyone's bags.

Second one-
Live your lives and always remember I am looking over both of you.

Last one-
This one is for Eric


Please, I have been rooting for you two since day one.

Anyways I love you son.

Sincerely dad.

Erik and I laughed.

Now it was time to read the last letter.

Dear Brea,
Hey sweetie, it's your mom. You may be wondering why you haven't given Erik that letter, but you tried.  Everyday you wanted to give it to him, but he kept picking on you and it tore you apart. So I took it, and after all these years I'm giving it back to you so you can give it to him like his dad would've wanted you too.

I love you sweetie, see you soon hopefully.
Love mom.

"Can we go to sleep now?"  Erik asked.

"Ya, you can go to sleep in your new room now," I laughed as he kissed me.

"Ugh ok, good stupid," he sighed in annoyance.

Which made me laugh some more.

He then got up and got ready to bed.

I got up and got ready for bed as well.

After I was done I laid in bed and went to sleep.


I woke up around 2 in the morning to a nightmare. It made me super paranoid, I kept thinking someone was watching me.

So I slowly got up and went straight to Eric's room.

As I walked into his room I saw him sleeping peacefully, I didn't want to wake him up.

I slowly walked closer to Eriks bed and lifted up the blankets so I could fall asleep easier, but he was laying in all of the blankets, but then he all of a sudden shifted in his sleep and got off of the blankets. So I immediately crawled into the bed and got under the blankets. I wanted to be in Erik's arms but once again, I didn't want to wake him. After a while of facing the opposite direction of Erik he turned around and put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

Then I fell asleep peacefully.

The next morning I felt Erik try and get up with him realizing that I had my head laying on his chest.

"Shit," he whispered.

"Just go, but pls come back, I'm tired and want to sleep in your arms," I explained.

Erik kissed my forehead and then went to the bathroom.

He started to awhile so I began to fall asleep, until he crawled back into the bed and pulled me back onto his chest.

"Goodnight my love," he said as he played with my hair and laid there.

I smiled and fell back to sleep.

2 hours later my father walks into the house without knocking.

Then he walks into the room seeing my asleep on Eriks chest.

"Night mares again?" He asked.

Welp, he just exposed that I have been getting nightmares most nights. Unless Im in Erik's arms.

" I think so, I woke up to her laying in my arms like this," Erik explained.

" As long as she's actually sleeping right now I'm ok with this," he sighed.

Then Erik checked to see if I was awake, but then I snored. That answers the question.

"Ya shes a sleep alright," they laughed.

After they talked for awhile my dad had to go to work so it was back to just Erik and me.

A few hours have passed and it was now 10 am. I slowly lifted my head up to see if Erik was still awake but he looked like he was asleep, so i rested my head back on his shoulder for 20 minutes, until I remembered something.

My father sent people to go get all of the others, and Erik and I need to go back to the ship. I jumped up and ran to my room to get changed. I put on a pair of black sweatpants with a red cropped tank top.

Then I brushed my hair and teeth.

After all of that I walked into Eriks room to see if he's still sleeping.

I stood there and started At him for a few minutes.

"Hello love," he said with a smile.

"Hi stupid, it's time to get up. We have to catch up with Tori and then to get the Rockets and radio," I explained.

Erik got up out of bed and got ready.

Once we were both ready we grabbed a bag and put water, first aid, flashlights, food, and extra clothes.

Then we ran over to my dad and tori's house.

Tori was still there, so they haven't left yet.

So I explained everything to her and she agreed to let Us come with them.

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