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As I remembered everything I ran back to camp and searched for Erik. When I found him he was talking with a group of people. So I sat on a rock way behind Erik staring at the back of his head. I can tell he could feel me staring cause he shook his head and crossed his arms as he finished his conversation. Eventually the people he was talking to walked away leaving us there alone together. He turns around and looks at me with an expression that says "What do you want" but also ""I stopped doing what I was doing so make it quick and worth it."

We made eye contact for a few minutes then I nodded my head signaling him to follow me to the woods.

So that's what he does. He follows me to the woods.

Once we got far enough from the camp I turned around and looked at him.

"I remember what happened last night," I sighed.

He looked down like he was guilty of something. Was there something else I was forgetting?

"There was a moment we almost kissed when you were helping me down. Then you hugged me and cried," I sighed. I folded my arms and looked at him.

I'm confused.

I thought we hated each other?

But there was a part of me that felt something, a part of me that wanted to be friends again. I was relieved when he hugged me because I know a part of me has always missed our friendship.

    "Ya.." He sighed.

    Something is wrong here, and I can figure out what.

    "I'm sorry again," I chuckled fakely.

    "When you fell asleep you asked me to stay and hold you hand. Then in your sleep you were sleep talking and you said you missed me," He blurted with a smile, but it wasn't a happy one. It was sad.

    I was in shock.


    "Please tell me that's all," I fake sobbed in embarrassment.

    He just shook his head and then we agreed to keep this to ourselves. Then we started talking as we walked back to the camp. I missed this, honestly. And I hated that I missed it because of everything he's put me through. But at the end of the night I was happy our friendship was starting to be sewed back together.

    After that night Erik and I got closer. We were friends. It was very weird but I was happy. I ignored all of the bad feelings and thoughts I had about him and I ignored them.

    He's doing good. He's growing up, we all are. And we all deserve a friend or more to grow up with us with the adventure.

    Weeks have begun to pass and everyday Us and the group hung out. They constantly eyed Erik and I Like we were together.



    That was that.


    One sunny early morning I wake up around 9, and I get up and get ready for the day.

    Then as I walk outside Daniella grabs my arm and pulls me into the woods and starts squealing.

I couldn't understand what she was saying because she was talking so fast.

"Daniella, calm down," I laughed.

She then hesitated to say something.

"UHHHH.. Oh ya you know me and Conner are dating right? I don't know if I officially told you that," She blabbered.

"You didn't tell me, but I already assumed you kissed during Truth or Dare," I said.

She then looked like she was at a loss for work and kept checking her phone for the time.

Something was up.

"Anyways, you should go to the waterfall," She blurted. "Love you bye," She ran away saying as she blew me a kiss.

It's an inside joke we have so we both laughed.

I guess I have nothing else to do so I end up going to the waterfall and I see Tyler there. So walk up to him.

There was a picnic set up.

What's going on?

"Oh hey, you're here!" He said in surprise.

"Ya I am?" I put my hand on my neck and got nervous.

What's going on?

"What's going on Tyler?" I asked.

He walks closer to me, and then puts one of his hands on my check and the other is tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"I've liked you for a long time," he blurts.

I was surprised.

I don't know how I feel about him.

He then puts his other hand on my other cheek and kisses me.

I don't know what to do.

I don't want to hurt him.

So I kissed him back.

Then I pulled away.

"I'm sorry Tyler," I sighed.

"I know," I tried to smile but it was fake.

"But hey, if it makes you feel better I can help you eat all of the food here," I smirked.

He laughed and then we did exactly what I suggested.

We ate all of the food together.

It was actually really good.

Then we talked about life.

I kind of wanted to tell him about what happened when I was drunk, but I didn't. I couldn't, and plus. It meant nothing.

The Beauty In Earthजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें