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When I woke up my head was pounding, and I could barely remember a thing that happened last night. So I sit up and look around. I was looking for someone who could tell me what happened last night.

    As I spotted Erik I opened my mouth to say something but he got up and walked outside.

    Did I say something to him last night?

    Then Tyler comes in.

    "Finally You're awake, you don't even know what happened last night. You were a real bitch let me tell you that," He chuckled.

    I put my head in my hand  as I looked down with embarrassment singling him to continue.

    He told me everything. Well at least everything he knew.

    "Is he mad at me?" I asked.

    "Uhh i don't know. He hasn't really been talking to me since last night," Tyler explained.

    "Anyways I'm pretty sure Sarah gave him the medical supplies to watch over for the day. So you can go get some tonal cause I'm sure you have a headache." He laughed, as he handed me a hand up.

    So I thank him for telling me everything. But I feel like something is missing. I'm not exactly worried about it though. So I walk up to Erik and stand there with my hand on my neck.

    "Sorry about last night,"I apologized.

"Whatever it's fine," he said. He was about to say something else but he decides no to.

    He handed me something to help his headache and then I walked back to where I've been sleeping.

    I still feel like something happened last night, and it's starting to bug me. But I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep.

When I woke up around like 3 in the afternoon I felt weird and gross.

    So I grabbed a bathing suit, some extra clothes, shampoo and conditioner, and my hair brush. And I headed to the waterfall. When I got there no one was there, so I went over to the shallow part by the sand and rocks and I washed my hair and body.

    Afterwards I felt so much better, but I was bored so I got out of the water and laid there on the big rocks in my bathing suit.

    After a while it began to get dark outside so I hid behind a bunch of rocks and I got changed into a clean pair of clothes. Once I was done changing I ended back to the camp.

    I had a nice day all to myself today and it was sad when it was coming  to an end.

    After a while of walking it got a lot darker and I slowly started to feel nauseous and dizzy. So I decided to sit down for a minute and that's when I remembered what happened last night.

    We almost kissed.

Authors note

Sorry this chapter is so short, i have been off and on with my writers block.

Anyways i hope you are enjoying!

How a good day;P

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