Don't Say Stupid Things

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Bucky and Steve both don't sleep. They lay awake and think about what the implications of the next day will be. They know that there will be consequences to changing the future but they aren't sure what they will be yet. They may change things for the better but they might change things for the worst.

Everything Steve has done in the past, he has done to save people. Some of the choices he made were wrong in hindsight but he feels he did the best he could with the knowledge he had.

He has more knowledge of the future than possibly any living person besides the Sorcerer Supreme. Doesn't he have a responsibility to preserve the good parts of the future?

Thanos is the biggest problem with changing the future. He believe that no matter how they meddle in the future, Thanos will still come and the blip will still happen. He needs to make sure that final battle plays out the exact same way it did the first time. The time heist has to happen the exact same way.

If they are going to change anything, they have to be completely sure that they keep those things the same.

He sits down and writes a list of all the different key players in the time heist and the final battle.

Time Heist:
1. Tony Stark
2. Natasha Romanoff
3. Clint Barton
4. Bruce Banner
5. Thor
6. Rhodes
7. Scott Lang
9. Nebula
10. Rocket

A lot of the people were both instrumental in the time heist and the final battle but he decides to have a separate list for people in the final battle. There were so many people in the final battle but he didn't have the knowledge of everyone so he chose to focus on the people who had direct contact with Thanos or the stones throughout.

Final Battle:
1. Wanda Maximoff
2. T'Challa
3. Peter Parker
4. Carol Danvers
5. Pepper Potts
6. Okoye
7. Hope Van Dyne
8. Mantis
9. Shuri
10. Gamora
11. Valkyrie

He also adds Stephen Strange because without him, the final battle would have never occurred and Thanos would have gotten the stones.

The task ahead of him seems impossible but he won't sleep until he finds the wiggle room in changing what he can without changing this ending.

He quickly crosses all the Guardians off the list. With Gamora and Nebula's connection to Thanos, it's inevitable that they will be brought in.

Okoye and Shuri follow T'Challa's lead since he is their king so he also crosses them off the list.
Valkyrie is also following Thor in to battle so he crosses her off as well.

Scott met Hope before he met the Avengers in Germany so there is little he can do that can make it so Scott never becomes Ant-man and he never meets Hope.

Pepper also was there to have her husband's back and there is also little Steve can do to interfere with them getting married. Pepper and Tony fit so well  that he feels like they were always meant to be together.

Similarly, Rhodes was Tony's best friend. He always had Tony's back so as long as he can guarantee Tony's involvement, Rhodes will follow.

That just leaves Tony, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Wanda, Scott, T'Challa, Peter, Strange and Carol.

These are the key players in getting through Thanos. He believes that if his interference won't take these people off course, they can make it through.

He already made the mistake of not talking things through with the girls once and he won't make that mistake again so he decides that he will wait until they talk it through together.

Bucky and Steve go back over to Steve and Peggy's house in the morning before the kids normally wake up. The girls may be mad at them but they still want to make sure to help with the babies.

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