To the end of the line(Superflash)

Start from the beginning

Kara nodded and looked down. 

"It's gonna hurt, right?"

"Yeah, a lot, but we have a couple of minutes before that happens," Barry said. 

Kara was distracted by the sudden wave of Shadow Demons that charged the portal, Kara's eyes lit up blue as she vaporized the entire wave, putting all of her emotions into the discharge of heat vision. Barry saw the portal close with a dramatic pop.

"It's done," Barry said as he gently caught Kara, whose knees were weak from the exertion. 

"You... you're a good man, Barry Allen," Kara murmured as she pointed a finger at his chest, her index finger tapping on the lightning emblem he had on his chest.

"Me?" He joked.

"Yes... you."

He opened his mouth just to close it again while he sat Kara down again. Barry's hand reached out, Kara breathed out in relief when his hand touched hers, she thought he would be uncomfortable because they had been friends for so long, but his eyes showed that he didn't care, he'd give her whatever she wanted regardless, and that's why she loved him. 

Their sweat and dirt stuck to their hands, Barry ran his thumb across her knuckles, tracing them one by one. She swirled her thumb over his hand tenderly as well, going over callus after callus on Barry's hand. He saw the red curtain of death just at the outskirts of the city now, it wasn't long now. 

"Sing... sing the song that we sang, sing it again. Maybe it will call me when I enter Rao's light, and you when you go into the Speed Force when we die," Kara said, offering a weak smile.

Barry swallowed thickly, looking out to the chaos beyond the city border.

"If only I was drunk," He muttered.

Kara tilted her head and laughed, her final laugh he supposed, he laughed with her. Barry gently cradled her hand and lifted it to his lips. He ran his lips over each of her knuckles, he tasted the salt, the ash, the dirt, and something that he could pinpoint as just how Kara tasted like. It was beautiful, one last flavor to remember, her skin against his lips, with more time maybe he could take Kara into an all-around relationship experience, he paused his gentle caresses and looked up at her. Kara's eyes were wide with adoration and her pupils were dilated. Kara let out a small whimper, she sobbed quietly as sadness overpowered her heart.

"Please Barry, sing for me," She pleaded. He hadn't even imagined a voice more delicate than the tone she said it to him right now. Not even Iris talked like that. 

Kara's fingers began to shift around his, squeezing his hand tight as the blue eyes he had liked so much locked with him in a moment of pure love. She hoped, and she got her to wish, even though they're loving each other at the end of time. At the end of the line...

Barry's throat was caught in his mouth as he started to sing in a very, very low voice, making her use her super hearing over the distant explosions and swirling of their imminent doom. Their fingers were intertwined and she almost sat in his lap because she was so close. 

I'm your super friend... Barry's dry mouth was not able to sing as well as he did in the duet, but he managed to gravel the words out in a solemn tune.

Your super friend... 

Barry intently observed Kara's face, her tears almost reflecting the redness of the imminent blight that they face. Barry held up a hand to her face, his thumb clearing the wetness along her cheek and gently wiping it away, he continued to sing. 

I'll be there in the nick of time if you're ever in a spot. Barry offered a slight smile, his throat aching, it threatened to choke him up in a loud sob, but he held it down. 

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