Vergil: I used to be the same. Although we have different reasons, we both know how it feels to be alone. To be revered as a prodigy, to be no longer innocent at a point.

Of course there is a bit of lie there, but getting her on my side is much more important. After all, she might know a spell that could send me home.

Her tears streamed down from her face, as her hands snaked behind me and hugged me tight. Her face buried on my shoulder and her muffled cries vibrated through my chest. I patted her head, which continued long enough for her to calm down.

Vergil: Now rest well and heed my warning. You too Wilmarina.

Wilmarina snapped out of her stupor, slightly blushing from her blunder.

Vergil: There is something big going to happen, and I am certain it is nothing good.

The two listened intently, even if Mimil was still slightly sniffing.

Vergil: If you are on your last legs, I want you to run at the fountain. The very one at the center of the Plaza. I am not sure what kind of danger would befall on Lescatie, but I want you and the others informed.

The two nodded.

Vergil: Now Mimil, if possible. I want you to erect a barrier around everyone that came to the fountain. The barrier itself must be strong enough to withstand twenty assaulting catapults simultaneously.

Her prideful demeanor returned, only more determined to actually put greater effort on my request.

Mimil: Please, you're talking to the strongest mage of Lescatie. Something like that is child's play for me.

I patted her head, which she enjoyed greatly considering she pressed herself more on my palm.

Vergil: Now for you Wilmarina. I want you to save your strength. As I said before, an even greater danger might suddenly appear.

She nodded, determined to follow my instructions.

Vergil: Good, now Wilmarina, tell Mersé of our secret. And if you have someone else in mind, tell them as well.

Wilmarina: Will do, Teacher.

I nodded.

Vergil: Now I must go and prepare.

I gave my goodbyes. By prepare, what I meant to say is to prepare the children of the sudden increase of numbers within the Mamono Orphanage. Well, I can always return to Siel's Village.

Vergil: Let's just hope they wouldn't target Lescatie, though I highly doubt it would happen.

Morning came, allowing me full view is Siel's Village. I must admit, it has be a while since I visited. Now then, on to business.

Once I entered, I was greeted by the Village populace, all with smiles and grins marring their faces.

It must be because I took off my cloak. Well, they already are familiar with my face so I suppose it is just courtesy of me to show my face.

I immediately went inside the in, to say Ryoko was surprised that I'm back is an understatement. She immediately leapt on me with a hug, big enough to even make Dante uncomfortable.

Vergil: Can you get off?

Ryoko smirked smugly as she still clung on my body.

Ryoko: My, for how long you've been gone, you never changed.

I pried her off my body, to which she pouted.

Vergil: I am changing, albeit slowly. That and everything just gets under my skin lately.

Vergil's Irritation RisesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora