15.The Day

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He woke up the next morning and headed towards the restaurant which she had said. He saw her standing in front of the entrance, yawning and hugging her sweater tightly around herself.

"You made me wait again." She said.

"I am sorry." He said scratching the back of his neck, "Lets come now."

"Yeah." Saying this, they entered the restaurant. Both of them sat in the table nearest to the window. He adored her face as she watched the snowflakes falling from the skies and resting in the leaves of the trees. The waiter came in and handed him their menus.

"So what would you like to have?" She asked.

"Well cold soba, I guess." He replied.

"Are you fucking crazy?! In this cold, you will have cold soba!" She almost shouted.

"Well you only said that I could go anywhere having cold soba."He said tilting his head.

"That was a fucking joke! Try something else. I dont want you getting sick in these times."She said scolding him.

"Fine."He replied. He said and gave in the order shortly followed by her. On receiving their food, both of them dived right in enjoying the flavour.

After having their food, they left for their mission together. After doing the necessary work for the day, both of them bidded goodbye to each other and headed home. They expected their work to last for a maximum of a month or two. This time unlike the last, both promised to keep contact not as an ex-couple but as friends.

The next few days passed by quite enjoyably for him. Late night texts and facetimes, inside jokes, skipping work to go to try some weird ass food became a common thing between them. He wondered if Bakugo suspected that something was going on between them. Then , he realized that he would have been dead by now if something like that was suspected by Bakugo.

Winter was in its peak. The bright sky would be covered with thick white clouds from which small snowflakes would slowly fall into the earth, painting the trees and the roads white. Coffee and liquor shops would be filled with new customers and children would be seen playing snowball fights.

As they walked together under the moonlit sky, he saw her smile as she saw a couple huddled together as they walked, holding hands, bringing her sweater closer to her chest. They had just finished their work for the day and now they were roaming in the city trying to reach to their homes. She slowly turned back to him and said with a smile on her face,

"Hey tonight is beautiful. Right?"

"Yes it is." He says eyeing the view in front of her. He saw her glance at her wrist watch and mutter to herself,

"About half an hour left." She turned her head to him and said, "Its quite late already. Lets have dinner somewhere, shall we?"

"Why such a proposal?" He asked, "Anything special?"

"Nothing. I just dont have the energy to cook so late at night." She said raising her shoulder, "And I am not asking you to pay, mind you. So dont think I am taking you to pay for my food."

He chuckled lowly on the remark.

"Well then. Lets go."

They went to quite a high-paid restaurant and ordered their food. While having their food, she started saying,

"Its like a date. Dont you think?"

"Kinda." He blushed.

"Know what date it is?"

"10th Jan. Why do you ask?" He said, his eyes filled with confusion

"So you wanted to know why I wanted to go out somewhere with you?"

"Yeah." On hearing his remark, she pointed to the clock ticking at 11:59 pm.

"Idiot, today is your birthday." She said chuckling when his phone got filled with messages. She came closer and whispered, "Happy birthday", when the waiter came with a cake. Heat rose to his cheeks and he smiled.

"Hey I was wondering if we could go drink somewhere after this." Saying this, he immediately stopped. "I am sorry. I forgot you dont drink."

"Well. I can you know."

"You drink?" He said, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"There is always a first time, you know?" She said smiling wide,"I was gonna pay anyways. Well if you dont want to then I won't force you."

"No its not like that. " He said putting his hand behind his neck, blushing hard, "I want to go though. Its been long since I went like this with anyone. So, I kinda feel special with you."

She felt her heart skip a beat on hearing that. She smiled and brushed it off. He sat on the stairs of her house, which was quite nearby.

After a few hours, she had fallen asleep in her home from the alcohol overdose. He didnt disturb her but rather took her to her room and placed her softly on the bed. He slowly reached towards the door and opened it when he heard the phone ring.

"Hey Bakugo. Its 2 am, don't you sleep?" He picked his phone and answered.

"I had work and I called you to wish you a happy birthday, Icyhot. You dont have to worry about how I sleep." An angry voice answered from the other side of the phone.

"Oh thank you. " He answered, "By the way, I am sorry."

"What for?"

"Well, your girlfriend works with me. So we kinda celebrated at her home. I hope you wont mind a mess here."

"Wait. What the fuck are you talking about!"

"Your girlfriend?"

"I think you drank too much. Go to sleep."

"What do you mean?"

"Its been years since I had a girlfriend. I dont have any idea what you are saying."

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