10. Anniversary

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"Here have this." Shoto said, handing her smoothie as they sat on the stairs of some random building.

"I know it was rough for you tonight." He continued, "So have it."

"It is 2 am in the morning. Where did you get it from?" She said looking at him. 

"Well when I went to the store after handing Nate to the police, it was closed but the owner with his fat ass was sleeping in. So when he saw me, he was like really happy that the number 2 hero had visited him and so I got this." He replied looking back at her with a small smile painted on his lips.

She smiled lowly on hearing what he said. He was happy beyond words that he could make her smile after such a rough day. The anger still lingered in his heart that a random bastard ruined the day that he struggled hard to make it happy, not for him but for her.

He remembered the long paragraphs he made to his friends about him not being like his father, but was he any different? He too had talked to her quite harshly everyday, even slapped her when she was only trying to save his life. So seeing her smile even for a slight second made his heart skip a beat.

He never felt this way earlier. Heart racing, cold sweat on his body, shiver running through his spine whenever he saw her smile. He remembered his time with Momo. 

"Todoroki San I think.. I- I kinda think that I-" Momo stuttered.

"Yes what Yaoyorozu?" He asked looking straight in her eye while she was a blushing mess.

"I think I kinda that I- I - I like you." She replied.

His eyes widened at the sudden confession. He didn't know how to react.

"Me?Are you sure" He asked.

Her eyes frowned and her mouth became agape.

"Yes ofcourse." She replied.

"I like you too as a classmate." He replied with a slight blush on his cheeks

Mina Ashido jolted from behind saying, "We see how you look at her Todoroki. Dont lie. We know you like her too. Tell her that you love her." 

"I-I-I love you" Todoroki said blushingly.

Now that he looked back at the past, he pondered whether it was love or just an infatuation because love never felt this way, atleast for him.

His heart wouldn't lighten up seeing her smile. There wouldn't be fireworks in his mind and butterflies in his stomach when he gazed into her black eyes.

Yet all these would happen when he was around his wife. He didn't realise it earlier why it happened only when he was around her.

He finally understood now. When he gazed into those (e/c) eyes, he found peace. He felt at home. He realised that he wasnt in love with anyone before her.

They sat in their car together, him in the driver's seat, as they slowly travelled through the now empty roads of the city. He thought he should tell her about the incident between him and Momo, but then he realised not to spoil the moment by bringing her up.

Their one year anniversary was only about about a month away. He wanted to tell her everything he felt right at the moment, but he decided to wait until that day, he didn't know why. Probably to give a new start to their relationship.

Finally they reached their home where they resigned for the day.

A few days passed by. His mother also told Shoto just a day before their anniversary that she would be leaving.

"But why?" Shoto asked.

"Things have resolved between your dad and me and its your first anniversary so both of you enjoy." She said smiling, "And yeah dont tell her I am leaving, she will definitely make me stay for a day or two more. Where is she by the way?"

"Oh she went to work." He replied.

"Both of you enjoy tomorrow, ok?" She said. "I will leave tomorrow when both of you will go to work."


"No buts."

The day of their anniversary arrived. He as usual, left for work dropping her in her hero agency.

While returning, he went to the jeweller's shop.

"Can I get this ring?" He asked pointing to a diamond ring encased in a glass box.

"Yes sir" The man sitting on the other side of the counter said, "And here is your bill."

Shoto, on seeing the bill was initially shocked but realised it was worth it when it was with her.

His heart was racing. He was finally going to start a new life with her and it couldn't excite him more.

Buying a bouquet of flowers, he remembered that she once told him that she loved (f/f) cakes. He immediately rushed to the bakery and bought one.

He drived back to his home. Taking his items, he ran to the front door. He stood there for a second, taking a deep breath, muttering 'Shoto you can do it.'

He opened the door but the insides were awfully dark and quite.

He switched on the lights and took a small glance at his wrist watch.

"She should be here by now." He said to himself.

Taking the items with him to their now shared room, he sat on the bed. His eyes glanced over the room and landed over the vase kept at his bedside table.

Below the vase was a small piece of paper.

He slowly opened the folds of the paper and notice it was the handwriting of his wife.

He read the contents of the letter loud to himself,

To Shoto Todoroki,

I received a call from mom today. She said that she will be leaving today. After spending so many days with her,to be honest, it was heart-breaking hearing from her that she is leaving. But I guess its the end for us now. Thank you for being such an amazing friend. Thank you for those late night movies which we watched. Thank you for that smoothie which you brought from the store at 2 am just cuz I wanted it. Thank you for protecting me from Nate. Thank you for every moment which you shared with me, the ones that I can never forget.

I just wanna say be happy. Wherever you are. Keep Momo happy too. And of course, wishing you best for your life and hoping that we could meet again after the divorce procedure.

Before ending I just wanna say, Happy Anniversary. I dont expect you to remember though.

With love,

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