8. Make it Up

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Taking their luggage, Todoroki stepped out of the car and entered the big gates of their house, followed by his wife. On entering their house, they were greeted by his mother, who was on the floor arranging all her items from her luggage.

She entered her room and placed her bag on the table. Taking off her denims, she changed into some comfortable pants. While taking off her shirt, she let out a small whimper when the clothing came in contact with her injured shoulder, something which had been hidden from everyone through her clothing.

Todoroki heard a small whimper while passing through (Y/N)'s room. He felt uneasy thinking something bad may have happened, something which never bothered him till date and rushed to her room,

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asked, on entering the room only to find her undressing.

"Yes I am. Does anything bother you, Todoroki?" She said breathing heavily.

"No something is wrong. Tell me, please." He replied.

"Well actually I hurt my arm while fighting the LOV actually, nothing else." She said.

"Why didnt you tell me earlier?"

"It wasn't important."

"Ofcourse it is." He said in his usual cold tone,"Now show me where the wound is."

On hearing this, she pointed to her shoulder.

"Can I help you?" 


"I said can I help you." He said. "Dont worry, I wont look anywhere."

She gave her an affirmative nod and he began to slowly open the buttons of her shirt. Their eyes met for a single second, making heat rise to their cheeks. She immediately looked the other side while Todoroki kept opening her shirt  buttons, both blushing furiously. He started taking the shirt off her shoulders, making her whimper. He slowly carresed the bandaged shoulder  , while finally taking the shirt off. Taking a comfortable tee, he slipped it through her forehead. 

"Hmmm" Someone coughed from behind, making both of them startle. They turned around and saw his mother standing, "Well sorry, if I interrupted your private time but the food is ready." Both of them sighed in relief while she slowly left muttering,

"Shoto, next time you make a move on your wife, remember to lock the door."

They sat down on their table to have their dinner. His mother sat beside them after serving the food.

"Hmm. Mom, this soba is so good!" Shoto remarked slurping the cold soba.

"Shut up, Shoto. You will eat any and every cold soba you are given." His mom said, making her remember the time when Shoto threw her's.

"By the way, what are your favourites, (Y/N)?" His mother asked turning to her side.

"Well I actually like (f/f) a lot." She replied.

"Oh. That's a great choice. Well then, tomorrow I will make that."

"Mom you are a guest. You shouldn't do such things." She protested.

"Now that you have called me Mom, you can't deny."

She smiled at the gesture. Calling someone a mother was a privilege which she never knew. Her dad was the one who raised her ahnd due to lack of enough money, she couldn't afford UA, her dream school.

When Endeavour came to their house, making a deal that he will provide everything they needed in exchange of the marriage, she had no choice but to agree. At this point, one thing was pretty clear to her, she cared too much for others compared to herself.

After finishing the dinner, she went back to Shoto's room since her room was now occupied by his mom. Before this day, she never entered his room because he never allowed. It was a big room designed neatly in Japanese style with some small wall hangings here and there. His laptop and books were neatly kept in one corner of the room on top of a table and few almirahs on the other side of the room. The bed was quite neat and arranged by the side.

"Are you sleepy? Should I make your bed? " He asked in a state of concern, pointing to vrious places. 

"Actually I am not sleepy. Are you?" She asked him.

"To be honest, I am not. I would have worked on my recent case once you would have slept."He said keeping his hands behind his neck. 

"Oh so, will I bother you?" 

"No we can watch some movies."He said enthusiastically. "There are actually many movies in my laptop, though I never watched all, like the one Midoriya recommended,'Titanic'."

"Wait, you haven't watched Titanic?" She remarked.

"No. Wanna watch that?"

"Sure." She said projecting a smile.

On hearing this, Shoto went to the drawing room and brought a bean bag, which he made her sit on while he sprawled down on the floor. Closing the lights, he took a blanket and put it lightly on top of their bodies.

He opened his laptop, the wallpaper of which had a class photograph, taken on their graduation day and played the movie. He felt all his stress slowly vanish and realised that it wasn't because of the movie but because of her.

After an hour or so, he felt a light weight fall on his shoulder. He turned and saw that she had fallen asleep on his shoulders.

He smiled to himself and took her up in his arms and placed her gently on the bed.

"I am sorry for being such a jerk. Such an asshole. I am sorry for never understanding you. I promise to make it up to you." He muttered to himself before going to the chair, where he drifted to his sleep.

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