3.Momo Yaoyorozu

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Days passed into weeks and weeks into months, just like this. One day he would complain about how bad a cook she was, on another day he would complain about how late she would wake up and on another day some other topic. In these complaints, two things were constant. First he would complain everyday and second, he would compare her with Momo. Except these complaints, they didnt have any further conversations.

2 months passed without any proper conversation. One day, she heard her phone ring. It was none other than the great, "Lord Explosion Murder", Katsuki Bakugo.


"Hey bitch, how you doing?"

"Oh.. Am good.. What about you? I last saw you in our wedding reception. We didnt even have a good talk after that."

"Yeah I am fine. How's the half and half bastard as a husband?"

She didnt know what to answer at this question. All the things he had done to her till date flashed in her mind like a movie and she said, wiping the tear which had formed at the corner of her eye,

"He is probably the best husband a girl can imagine. Sometimes I think I am the luckiest girl in the world because he treats me like a princess."

"Hey what suddenly happened to your voice? It seems like you just shitted
through your mouth"

Forcing a chuckle she said,
"Nevermind that. By the way, do you know someone named Momo?"

"Oh that ponytail girl. I know her. Why do you ask?"

"Tell me something about her. Will you?"

"Her hero name is Creati I guess"

"Yeah. I heard her name quite a lot but didn't ever see her. Tell more"

"She has a ponytail. Was not quite bad at studies and was that half and half bastard's girl-.... Hey! hey! why are you asking about her? What are you even thinking?!"

"Baku, you have her number? If yes, then please give."

"I really can't understand what the fuck you are thinking but I am texting you her number."

"Thanks Bakubro"

"Here bitch look at your texts. I have sent it. That shitty hair is calling me now. Will talk to you later."

"Bye. Enjoy your time with your boyfriend."

"He is not my boyfriend . For God sake,I am not gay. Bye."

He hung up the phone. She frantically looked up her text and found an unread message by Bakugo. It was a number saved by the name, Ponytail.

She dialled up the number without delay. A soft, but commanding voice answered the call,

"Hello, who's this?"

"Hello, I am (Y/N)(L/N). My hero name is (H/N). You must be Momo Yaoyorozu?"

"Yeah. I am. You are Shoto's wife, aren't you?"

"Yes. I am. I just wanted to meet you, if you are free tonight."

"Yes, I will be free after 8pm. So can we meet at the children's park near the shopping mall?"

"Sure. I will be waiting."

"See you later"

"Yeah.. See you."

Since it was a Sunday, both Todoroki and Y/N had their days off. Todoroki was sitting on his couch and watching the news. The clock was ticking at 7.30pm when he saw his wife wear a jacket and head towards the door.

"Hey where are you going? Its quite late now", He said reaching out to her.

"Todoroki San I have some important business to attend to" ,She looked back at him and said.

"But umm... Come back before 9. It will get quite dark outside." He muttered.

"Sure. Don't worry." She said and left.

It was a cold winter evening. The snow was partly settled on the wet soil as she was sinking her feet deep in the snow and walking towards the park.

As soon as she entered, she saw a woman with long raven hair fashioned in a ponytail with gorgeous black eyes dressed in a red jacket and black pants looking at her phone. (Y/N) immediately knew who this lady was.

"Hi, I am (Y/N)(L/N). I called you today in the morning. You remember" She said, reaching out her hands.

Momo looked up from her phone and shaked her hand.

"Hi, I am Momo Yaoyorozu. So is there any particular reason you contacted me?"
She had unusual commanding aura around her. She was what could be described as ethereal beauty. "Of course, Todoroki San likes her. She is so beautiful. Why sould he even look at me when such an angel is already in his life." She thought to herself before answering her question.

"Yes , there is a reason."

It had already been long past 9 and she had not returned. Todoroki didnt know why but he was somehow feeling anxious and tensed about her. As soon as he reached for his phone to dial her number, when he heard the doorbell ring. He immediately reached out to the the door handle to open it. He was greeted by the face of his wife when he opened the door. He turned his back to her and started moving toward his room when he was stopped by her voice.

"Umm.. Sorry I got late but I think I have a surprise for you".

"What?" He looked back tiredly at her but when he saw the surprise she had brought, his eyes widened in shock. He couldn't believe his eyes

"Momo. Is that you?"

Happily Ever After (Shouto Todoroki x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ