4.Love hurts, doesn't it?

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"Momo is that you?"
Todoroki's eyes widened when he saw his former girlfriend standing in his doorstep.

"I guess yes." Momo said smiling.

Todoroki stared at his guest, a pool of emotions flooding his mind. Shock , disbelief, doubt every emotion rushed to his brain but he didnt feel that emotions he was supposed to feel on seeing her after so many months, the emotion of love and happiness. His series of thoughts was broken by the voice of his wife inviting his former lover.

"Momo are you gonna keep waiting there. Wont you come in?"

"Yeah. Sure." Momo replied with a smile, her eyes locked with the heterochromatic eyes of Todoroki.

Both of them sat in the table, their food being served by his wife. An eerie silence takes over. They didnt know what to speak, how to speak. He wanted to meet her for so many months, but now as she is in front of him, he didnt know what to do.

"Hey. Why aren't both of you speaking anything. Oh. I guess its because of me. I will leave you both alone then." Saying this, she left them alone and rushed towards her room, eyes brimming with tears. These few months of her living with him, only led her to admire him more. Though he did not treat her quite well but yet when he described Momo and their relationship, his yes would glow and his words became sweet, leading her only to be wanting to be like her.

"Why am I doing this? I can lead a happy life with him alone right? But will he be happy? No he won't. He wants her but I am not her, nor can I ever will"

All these thoughts were interrupted by a series of laughter, echoing from the dining hall downstairs.

She peeped through the stairs to see Todoroki looking at his new guest whose eyes were filled with tears of laughter, which echoed through the halls.

"Shouto, you are as funny as you were back then." His lips now curled to give a smile. It was the first time he smiled after so many months and for her, the smile was divine, the most beautiful thing she had seen in so many years.

Momo had her dinner and wished everyone in the house goodbye and left.
As soon as she closed the door behind her, Todoroki, grabbed his wife's wrist and shouted,

"What do you think you are doing? Why did you bring her here? Do you think it's funny , playing with my feelings like this!Huh... Say?!!"

"Umm... I thought you would enjoy her presence. You like her after all!" His hand tightened around her wrist whose pain making tears fall out from her eyes.

"But That doesn't give you the free pass to play with my feelings!!! I have to live with you after all!"

"No. You don't. Since there should be a minimum period of 6 months before filling a divorce, I thought you could enjoy with her during those days. After 6 months, you can marry her and live happily."

Todoroki let go of her wrist , which was now coloured with a faint purple due to his strong grip.

"What... What about you then?" He muttered, eyes low facing the ground.

"You dont have to worry about me. I had a boyfriend, who was practically heart broken when I married. I will live with him after the divorce" She said caressing her bruised wrist.

"Who?" He muttered under his breath.

"Huh?I didnt get you" she said looking up from her bruised hand.

"Who is your boyfriend?" This time, he said loud enough.

She didnt knew what to reply. Not that she didnt have any admirers, but she always preferred staying single before her marriage with Todoroki. So she blurted out the first name which came in her mind.

"Katsuki Bakugo"

His eyes widened on hearing the name. He didnt knew what to say. Bakugo never told anyone that he had a girlfriend, considering they were high - school friends.

"Ohh... I see.. Then if you agree , we can do what you wanted." He replied.

"Sure I have no problem."

She put up a smile, though her heart pained. She was giving up the man who was supposed to live with her for eternity but yet she knew he would be happy and maybe she will find someone who would love her.

"But I have a question, why did Bakugo leave you. I mean if he loved you and all of us protested maybe this marriage wouldn't happen. We all could be happy then." Todoroki asked

"If you love someone, you dont hesitation to push the person away, if it meant they were happy."

She replied and went back to her room, smiling to herself, thinking what she said because that was what she was doing.

On that day she came to know
Love did hurt ..... A lot..

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