full grown doe in the village of lions

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"Lady Daniela." I spoke, choked up.

"In the flesh, Y/N. Now please answer my question, what are you doing in my room?" She asked again, perching a hand on her extended hip. I could see her skin and hair, she wasn't a ghost, just how was she still here, alive I mean.

"What are you even doing alive?" I voiced, staring her up and down, making my way over slowly. "Mother Miranda, help me." I said, clasping my hands over my mouth to hold back a scream. "She did it." I whispered.

"Did what?"

"Tell me, Mistress. What do you remember last about the day?" I asked, trying to make sure that I wasn't dreaming.

"Bela dying. I went to the North wing, and Ethan.. that man thing!" She screamed, throwing her hands up in anger. "Then everything went to black..." She trailed off.

"Ethan had slain you, Daniela. Your whole family in fact." I told her, her face dropping like as if I had lied.

"He killed me?" she rubbed the side of her shaved head, shaking it in disbelief. "How humiliating." She chuckled, but her voice was anything but funny. Her golden eyes suddenly fixed on me, she ran up to me, holding her scythe above my head. Usually I would have shrunk back, hid within myself, but I just stood there, meeting her gaze squarely.

"How do you know this? How are you alive?" She hissed. "Did you help?" She asked, glaring me down. Her sweet perfume caused me to catch my breath, find something to focus on, rather than the fact of certain death.

"Not in the slightest." I admitted. "I avenged you all, I killed him."

"Oh wait, the wings." She pointed, her expression softening. She lowered her weapon, my heart rate slowing. "Mother..." She whispered to herself.


"Wow. Well come on, let me see them." She pointed, sitting down on her bed, throwing her scythe on the sheets

"Oh wait, I have a passenger." I told her, grabbing for Rose's blanket and tugging her from my wings. I cuddled the child close, holding her sleeping form to my own. I stretched my wings out, ignoring the new ripping sound that I heard as they sprang free. I held them completely out, showing off my wingspan. Daniela's eyes brightened and my confidence boosted immediately. "See?"

"Gorgeous." She smirked, staring at me. "Now, who is this?" She called, standing from the bed and putting a little nailed finger in the center of Rose's sleepy tummy and tickling her.

"This is Rose, Ethan's child."

"Hello, Rose. I am Daniela, but you can call me, Master!" She laughed, the baby not paying much attention only cooing childishly. "How have I returned to life Y/N?" Daniela questioned, her eyes planted on Rose still.

"Well, Mother Miranda..." I started, my voice getting completely cut off by one that I remember all too well. So loud and strong that it made my hair stand up and fear run laps down my spine.


"Alcina!" I screamed back, the voice scaring me and making my mouth spread into a smile. "Lady Dimitrescu!" I yelled again from the open door. I placed Rose into Daniela's waiting arms, speaking as quickly as I could. "Can you watch Rosemary for a second, please?"

"Yes." She nodded, tickling the baby again.

"It's good to see you again, Lady Daniela." I told her, smiling at the middle child with elation.

"You too, Y/N. You too." She responded, with that, I dove down into the halls, flapping my wings to get to the sound of the voice, my mind racing in disbelief and happiness. They were all back. They were back! I was too distracted, and when I turned the corner into the foyer, I bumped straight into a pillar--of person. The sudden stop made me fall straight onto my butt.

A Deer In The Village Of Lions {completed}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat