cassandra the sweet - 2

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"In this village you sleep in,
In this town you wake.
You'll find ladybirds and beetles,
And all kinds of poisonous snakes.
With sharp fangs and beady eyes
Dead things that never truly rest,
But nothing is more fearsome
Than what lives in House Dimitrescu.

Daughters three, with eyes so sharp,
Triplets in numbers, three beauts in part.
Be wary if you enter this castle,
It's unwise to go alone.
If caught, you will find that Hell has become your home.
At the lady of the house, its unwise to joke or jest,
If you do, your tomb will lie in the walls of House Dimitrescu.

Sleep well children,
Lay down your weary heads.
Have no care for monsters,
And keep the Dimitrescus' well fed.
If you dare come to the castle,
You better be at your best,
You will find truly frightening things in the House of Dimitrescu."

My eyes groggily open, a soft voice heard singing to me. It was like that of a siren. Not shrill and irritating, but supple and strong, like maple sap. It sucked me in like a leech, I needed to hear more. I cuddled myself into my pillow even more, wondering why it was so soft. It was unusual that Lady Dimitrescu would buy me a new pillow.

The woman singing to me was definitely not of this earth. Her voice too beautiful for it to happen.

The signature Dimitrescu lullaby, I'd recognize it anywhere.

The singer was seated beside me, humming to herself and dabbing my forehead with a cool rag.

"Hello there, fair Y/N." She greeted with a smile. "I see that you've awakened." She tacked on. Lady Cassandra looked as beautiful as ever, the light hitting her face just right.

"Hi-" I tried to talk, my voice coming out cracked and broken. Lady Cassandra put a finger to her lips, quietly shushing me.

"Your voice isn't restored yet. The Megamycete is making it's way back into your veins and you won't be able to speak for a few hours." Cassandra explained, pointing to my other arm, a needle and a long tube stuck into my forearm, thick black globules wiggling it's way into my veins. I ran my tongue along my dry lips, wetting them a bit.

I swallowed thickly when I realized that I wasn't in my usual servant quarters. The room was more profound, more elegant. My gaze dropped to the bed sheets, fear snaking it's way up my spine.

I was laying in Lady Cassandra's room!

I tried tugging on the tube in my arm, I had to get out of here before the other mistresses or worse- Lady Alcina, saw me.

"Steady!" Cassandra tried, putting her hands out defensively as I tried to free myself from her confining sheets. I flailed and kicked, trying to tell her without speaking, that I had no business in here.

"Be steady. Steady, mortal." She said, wiping my forehead again. The more she tried to calm me, the more I tried to run. I could heal myself in my own room, she would get me into trouble.

"I know what you are feeling. It is alright for you to be here. It is just me. Bela is with Mother, and Daniela is in the village for a kill." She explained, pushing me back down by my shoulders. Reluctantly, I let her. My eyes trained on the mirror above.

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