in the dark - 7

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(a/n: ^ haaaannnnn 😩😩)

Lady Dimitrescu turned from me, ducking under the door she entered.

"It was cold, wasn't it Daniela?" I heard her whisper to herself, she left the room, not even bothering to close the door. I reached for the shard of glass again, not having time to run back to my room for my dagger.

As soon as she left, I jumped directly into the hole she had made in the floor. I landed steadily on the floor, like a superhero. I looked around noticing that I was in the cellar.

To many of the Dimitrescu victims, this area of the castle was a labyrinth, only to find death awaiting at the end.

Only to me, and many other servants, we knew this place like the back of our hands.

There were many doors, switches, and levers to pull.

Finding Ethan would be child's play.


I didn't know how I mustered it, but I steadied my breathing and retracted my wings into my back. I focused on the weak squelching sound to ignore the pain in my back. I hoped that the Megamycete would heal that quickly. My vision had also returned, going back to its normal color.

Faint lights illuminated the darkness as I made my way through, my sharp shard of glass in my hand. I listened carefully for any movement.

I crept throughout the cellar, seeing broken vases and boxes along the way.

He was such an animal. Coming into someone's home and destroying their property. He didn't pay for any of that.

I crept through the underground maze, my body drifting dantily around pillars as my eyes darted around, looking for anything out of order.

I heard the sound of another box breaking, and with no fear, my feet took off from under me. I chased for the sound, sprinting like an wild person.

Usually my feet were loud and my steps were readable, Lady Dimitrescu used to call me a 'wild boar' for the way I ran. Only whatever she did to me, my strides were quiet but precise. I reached the end of a long hallway. I dodged between a few more pillars, listening again.

I didn't know if I had it in me to kill anyone, but Lady Dimitrescu gave me an order.

I just didn't know if I would be able to carry it out.

In the west wing of the cellar, my fingers pressed against the walls as I crept.

Nearby, the sound of a vase breaking drew my attention. Only I didn't run, yet the red in my eyes returned.

I saw the pale brown jacket that he had on, and as soon as my eyes locked with it, the glass flew from my hand, lodging itself in the back of his neck.

Ethan cried out and turned around, I couldn't hold back the laugh that came from my throat. He pointed his gun at me, shooting a few times, just as I moves out of the way and behind a pillar.

"Leave me alone! I just want to find my child!" He screamed, I heard the glass clatter to the floor, I guess he pulled it from his own neck.

A Deer In The Village Of Lions {completed}Where stories live. Discover now