Chapter 54: Ellie

Start from the beginning

I'd led us upstairs to the main study room. Logan tipped his head back and looked around the enormous, revered space silently with a soft smile on his mouth. I stood and just silently watched as he took in the expansive space around us, which dwarfed even his 6ft5 height.

The longer I stood next to him, the more a calm reassurance filled me. While none of me enjoyed the emotional discussion part we'd agreed on for tonight, I felt lighter and happier that I had finally apologized to him.

"It's a great place to study," I remarked casually. "I do my tutoring sessions here, if you ever need to find me."

"Study huh?" His head tilted down and a gleam appeared in his eye. "We didn't bring our books, Ellie."

"Books all around us." I swept open my arms, then stepped down the central aisle. Past the end, we walked into a hallway, where I grabbed Logan's hand and dragged him behind me. My heart thumped in anticipation while I snaked through a few rows of stacks, through the lovely smell of books, and made some comments about whatever spaces we walked through until we came to the private study rooms.

"Ellie?" Logan's confusion was obvious when I dragged him into the third room on the left, then gently shut the door behind him.

There was absolutely nothing of interest here, just a round table with four chairs, except for the fact that I knew the security camera for this room was currently broken. Before Logan reacted, I stepped forwards and ran my hands up his hard chest, then gently clasped behind his neck. He stilled at my forwardness but the shift in his eyes when he realized my intentions encouraged me forwards.

"Private room," I murmured before I stood up on my tip toes and gently pressed my lips against his.

With a sharp breath in through his nose, Logan's arms wrapped around me. The graze of his lips over mine tingled the soft flesh with warmth and familiarity. We took our usual position, with his large hands grasped tightly onto the side of my hips while my fingers threaded gently through the soft hairs on his neck. His hair was shorter but just as velvety soft as I liked and I opened my mouth and deepened the kiss with urgency.

Logan responded with a slight groan, but his mouth met mine press for press and pull for pull. With a tight clench of his fingers into my hips, Logan parted his mouth and his tongue grazed gently over my lower lip. A soft whimper left me at the contact and I pressed myself tightly against him, practically pinned Logan against the door, and welcomed a more intimate kiss.

He held more restraint than me with the soft strokes of his tongue against mine. My knees slightly weakened but everything else lit up inside me when his hands moved back, cupped around my ass, and pulled me closer. Goosebumps sprung up my forearms, but my shoulders relaxed and I stood flush against the hard muscles of his chest and abdomen.

I flinched slightly when his fingers traced up under the edge of my shirt and stroked suggestively into the skin on my waist. With a gasp, I broke off and we both stood, our hands clutched tightly onto each other and panted for breath. My cheeks felt flaming hot but I pressed one more kiss into his mouth, light and sweet, then pulled back.

Logan's lips were slightly swollen pink but they curled upwards faintly. "Is this on every tour?"

I took one step back, dropped my hands from his neck, and pressed my palms into my molten-temperature cheeks. "No, this is the first time I've done this with anyone."

More like I haven't wanted to do this with anyone else.

At the hint of sadness that inadvertently slipped into my voice, Logan stepped closer to me. With one lift of his arm, his hand cupped around my jawline and his thumb stroked softly over my cheek. "What is it, Ellie?"

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